Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Yeah, okay, the subject's a little bit Calendar, but the attached is a selection from a mail forwarded to me by another HoL member. I'll let them claim "authorship" if they like. I thought they were rather amusing, so though I'd share them with you:

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Hugh, they came to me from Santa's home country, Sweden.

The last one looks photoshopped to me, so I can't vouch for any of them!

The penultimate one looks genuine. When a cat is seriously pissed off, they show it.
Santa is not from Sweden!!! Hrmpf. Said the Norwegian.
Anette, I thought Lapland, where I have been, overlapped (no pun) Norway, Sweden and Finland? Said the Kiwi.
Clive, that is correct. We share. Even though the Finns seems to have claimed him. But he's not real, is he???
Santa? Not real? Say it isn't so!
I'm not sure. He probably is. Don't worry!
Photoshopped? D'ya think? I'm not so sure.
Did you hear the one about the huge explosion in the Nissan factory? It was raining Datson cogs.
Hi, this is Sweden calling.
I´m in thanks to you, Clive. Funny where cats and dogs can end up.
Sweden; rainy, 1 - 5¤ and maybe snow for the weekend.

Hi boys and girls, Santa is real. I ones heard he is Turkish but that is not true. I think it ones
begun in Germany, ever heard about St. Nicolaus? His day is on the 6th of December, not in Sweden becouse we have St. Lucia on the 13th of December. That`s tomorrow. She was a saint from Sicilian ( Itally).




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