Litter in the UK has soared by 500% since the 1960s! Don't we know it?
Litter costs us in the UK
£500m each year and its not just residents who pay the price, firms in areas affected by litter have also been losing business.
In a recent reportby the Policy Exchange think tank and the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) ,
Litterbugs, an incredible 37% of respondents said littering was sometimes or always acceptable.
However, the report also complains that the battle against litter is not being fought in a co-ordinated manner. Recommendations include:
*enforcement measures such as penalty fines need to be more consistent nationwide.
* creating a national body for anti-litter initiatives as well as a deposit scheme for bottles and cans, which has proved to be successful in other countries.
* better design of public spaces, placing bins and ashtrays more thoughtfully
This all sounds like common sense and terribly familiar.
Read the full story on the BBC website