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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Can Anyone Identify this New Addition to Harringay’s Streetscape?

Quite a monster. Know what it is?

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Yucks - looks like a mono pole cell mast


It's an O2 mast.

It has a data plate on the street side of the cabinet.

Thank you both. 

It's not very discreet, is it.

Shame they couldn't have dome a deal with McDonalds and stuck it back in their car park.

It's the price we pay for modern technology. Any telecoms mast under 20M on a highway or in a residential area is classed as permitted development. More info is at https://blog.planningportal.co.uk/2016/03/24/changes-to-phone-mast-...

Yep, it’s one of those developments that turn the planning system upside down.  It happens more or less automatically unless there are watertight reasons to refuse it (like those damn “phone” boxes on Green Lanes which are just glorified advertising hoardings)

People might have seen the cluster of transmitters by Whitestone Pond in Hampstead; a rather beautiful place.  No amount of local opposition managed to have the installation turned down as the local authority just didn’t have the power to refuse.

Having said all that I would tut as loudly as anyone else if my mobile reception wasn’t any good.  

Yep, it's due to the classification of "Essential intrastructure".

The "phone boxes" are an interesting one. They provide free Wi-Fi, that as a result enables tracking you around London via your phone's MAC address and it associating with different "phone boxes". Weirdly I predicted Minority Report style advertising about 5 years ago, seems we're getting one step closer.

It's a lot nicer than the McDonalds' arches.

Modern art



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