Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Saturday 4 February 1pm-4pm and Sunday 5 February 2pm-4pm at Bruce Castle Museum

As we enter the Year of the Dragon, the Ming-Ai Institute based in Bounds Green, celebrate the end of their Heritage Lottery Funded Project.

  • Discover the delicious recipes and history of the Chinese Restaurant menu in the UK
  • Watch a tea ceremony on the Saturday at 1pm
  • Take part in a Chinese painting workshop on the Sunday at 2pm
  • On both days, have a go at Chinese calligraphy, handicrafts and dough figurine making
  • The Workshops and refreshments are all free 

Note: For those of you whose Chinese is a bit rusty, the link loads in Chinese but then switches to English after a few seconds

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