Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The Boundary Commission is looking to transfer Stroud Green from Hornsey and Wood Green and add it to Tottenham (this would mean David Lammy living in his own constituency). Meanwhile, if I saw correctly from their complicated map, a bit of Harringay (around Finsbury Park) moves into another, new, seat.  The proposals are out for consultation.


Tags for Forum Posts: boundary commission, boundary review, parliamentary constituency boundary rewview

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I wish they'd put more emphasis on natural geographical boundaries than they seem to want to put on equalising the population of each constituency.

I think just having one MP is not very democratic. Having two is better. 650 better still. Why not 1,000?

Oh because we're trying to reduce democracy with this move to reduce the number of MPs.

Reducing the number of MPs whilst the number of Lords remains the same at 808 including 26 bishops and 91 hereditary peers.

Thanks for flagging this up, Justin. I don't think any of Harringay's going. I don't know the exact current boundaries between us and Manor House/Woodberry Down, but It looks like those are pretty much unchanged. It looks like that boundary follows the New River just as the borough boundary does.

I won't be surprised to seem to strong protests from Stroud Green.

You can show the old boundaries on the map if you click boundaries then existing. The southern boundary appears to be just the same.

Ta. When I looked at a map on-line, it included polling districts and various other lines hence the slight confusion.

I remember Bruce Kent, bless him, being furious when I shoved a constituency-wide leaflet through his door. Not, ironically, because it was from the Conservatives but TOTTENHAM Conservatives (he lives in Harringay ward). I look forward to our MP, a Stroud Green resident, submitting a positive contribution to the BC on the attractions of hooking up with, mainly, N15/17. 



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