Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

It's bad enough coming home to drifts of useless leaflets rucking up the hall rug, but today's leafleter distributing for Cafe Lemon took the biscuit. She stood on my doorstep and chucked a leaflet on to next door's doorstep because she couldn't be bothered to open the gate. 

From the sheaf of leaflets for Borboo left on the front wall to blow about in the wind, to the doorstep tactic (there's another one on the neighbours' doorstep from Franzo's, whoever they are) I've noticed a significant increase in these lazy distribution habits. What can be done about it? Raising some negative publicity on this forum is one tactic I guess. 

In any case, what are these blasted things for? It's almost a rule with me to not use a business which pesters me with leaflets, though to be honest, 95% of them are for businesses I would never use. Market segmentation and demographic targeting is not their strong point. 

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You could tell cafe lemon. I'm sure they'd like to know.

I went into one of the eateries on GL a couple of years ago when Pemberton was liberally dosed with their flyers. They were *very* apologetic- after all it is not in their interests to pay for these things, pay for distribution that does not happen, not actually reach their intended audience and worse p**s off the very folks they are trying to get into their establishments...

So, as the man said, worth actually mentioning it to them- I suspect they would appreciate knowing!

I watched the young man responsible for distributing them weighing them up in Cafe Lemon at lunch time. I presume that you don't need to be paid well for this work or speak English. Can you not just bin them rather than trash one of the best and longest standing cafes on Green Lanes?

I'm sad that nobody has tried to point out that Blend is better. This would have given me the opportunity to point out the difference between a cafe and a café. I would then have furthered the opinion that Lemon could be the best cafe in London. I do miss the Vogons at the back though.

Totally bloody annoying. We get leaflets dumped in piles in the communal area of our flats, sometimes piles of ikea magazines or yellow pages too. I scoop them up when I'm 'on one', pop them in a parcel and return to sender with a polite note 'you dropped these' I'm arsey like that.

On my front(glazed) door I have two prominent A4 leaflets. One has a graphic which shows 'no leaflets' and the other a polite request saying no circulars, menus, ads etc. I still get some leaflets but only a fraction of before. My bugbear is people putting leaflets behind car windscreen wipers which are bloody annoying if you discover them half way down the road when they obscure your vision! The worst offender is Amy cleaners(so I'll never use them) and then the 'we buy any used car' ones. These are particularly annoying as when you politely phone up to complain they say 'oh sorry mate, I've told them not to do that' which is a complete lie!

IF YOU PUT A SIGN UP IN YOUR POST BOX SAYING NO JUNK MAIL, ETC- LIKE MOST PEOPLE DO- seems to make a massive differnce to them not bothering up your driveway



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