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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I did the RSPB Birdwatch at Railway Fields today. A very relaxing experience, if a little chilly.

Over one hour, trying to stay in one place, I saw the following perching in the woodland area. 

1 collar dove

1 wood pigeon

2 blue tits

2 great tits

1 long tailed tit

I've attached pictures of these birds below.

Not a great tally, alas. But as I was leaving at the end of the alloted hour for doing the birdwatch, what should I see but a tree off the lane filled with all sorts of happy birds, who then treated me to a fly-past, one by one. So the birds had the last laugh.

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We had a complete birdfest for some reason: long tailed tit, blue tit, thrush, blackbirds, dunnocks, robins, goldfinches, wood pigeons, magpies and a bullfinch. An embarrassment of birdie riches!

Rosyrose!  A bullfinch!  Where do you live please?

Stanhope Gardens. I know! It was as though they knew there was a show on. We often have big numbers of goldfinches and tits but i very rarely see a thrush these days, or a bullfinch. Maybe it was all your happy birds taking a pit stop!

All we get in our garden is the occasional trio of blue or great tits, the odd wood pigeon and maybe in winter a robin now and again. We do however suffer a surfeit of squirrels at all times of the year.

AND YET... after months of this monotony, last week - Wednesday as I recall - I was fortunate enough to see two lesser-spotted woodpeckers and a Harris's hawk within the space of about four hours...
A Harris's Hawk?! You're having me on...

If he's not, there's one very worried falconer somewhere.

I've seen kestrels hunting over Finsbury Park baseball ground but never anything bigger than that.

I kid you not.


It was in Edmonton though.


The council hire them to keep the pigeons away...


Oh and I meant greater-spotted woodpeckers, typo there as well.



ah was wondering about the lesser spotted woodpeckers.  I've been feeding the birds regularly all year with RSPB sunflower seeds (not supposed to advertise but it is good!)and I get a lot of birds.  I regularly see a bullfinch and lots of female chaffinches - and greenfinches too.  Do you want pics (I don't have a long lens and zooming on the digital device is not good though).  They raised their babies in the next door derelict garden but this got decimated (without planning permission in a Conservation Area) by a developer.  I was gutted.  I hope the birds can nest in the trees on the railway at the bottom of my garden.  It's a haven for birds there - we regularly hear tawny owls at night.

A Harris Hawk - in the garden??  

Sadly not. It was in Edmonton Green shopping centre

Also, how come all your sunflower seeds don't get devoured by squirrels? They eat EVERYTHING I put out, no matter what I try...

Hahaha!!!!  I have a RSPB cone called a Squirrel Baffler (!) which fits on the pole and they cannot climb over it.  BUT they hang around on the tree branches and launch themselves on top of the feeder itself.  I think I have cracked it though by placing it far enough from the trees.

A hawk in the shopping centre?

Wow Kamila.  I want a bullfinch too!  What sort of feeder does it come to please?  And where do you live?

My offering:  not this winter, but throughout the previous two, a pair of blackcaps regularly came to the wild land beyond my fence.



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