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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

This day will be long remembered :)

Party this Saturday Trafalgar square.

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I'm curious to see what happens when you're gone, Colin. You are obviously convinced you're not sitting in a glass house. Good for you, and good luck to you. You might be in for a few surprises along the way though.

I dont believe I have a glass house, but please highlight all the wrongs Ive done to people. (I would like to know about them too).

I try to help poor and vulnerable people, not kick them, when down.

But I do, and will continue to, attack the people who exploit the vulnerable, as thats part of my human and spiritual nature. 

I think my death with go unnoticed, like most others.


Well said Colin.

Thatchers family are entitled to grieve as they see fit.

We are entitled to send her on her way as we see fit.

She had a significant effect on lives. She symbolises so much that is wrong with this world.She decided to enter public life and give up some degree of privacy. She was a horrible person who did horrible things. She deserves no pity.

LIKE, although a nasty piece of work, as with all people suffering  dementia she deserves pity.

I'm with you, Jessica. Repulsed is the word I'd use. I'm un following too.


. . . . and they say she liked cats.



Low and undignified? You have no idea how restrained my comments have been when it comes to Thatcher.
Show respect? Margaret Thatcher showed no respect at all for whole swathes of the population, there was no respect when it came to the unemployed, the homeless, gays and lesbians, immigrants, the industrial working class ......and no respect for the young sailors on the Belgrano, for the victims of the Khmer Rouge, those fighting apartheid in South Africa, or fighting against her big mate dictator Pinochet.
She split the country in two with her confrontational, no surrender, not for turning politics and now she is being lauded for it. She supported unfettered greed at a time when people saw their lives and families ripped apart through unemployment and homelessness, and increasing child poverty, but then 3million unemployed was a price worth paying for a free market. She was so intent on smashing the unions that she smashed their industries and communities too, and heres the rub, she revelled in it.
It was obvious in the 80s that her policies of financial deregulation would lead to a disastrous increase in private and public debt, that selling off council houses without putting the money into mass house building would lead to homelessness, that the North Sea Oil billions (making up 16% GDP windfall bonus) needed to be invested in building industries for the future, but no, we stopped producing anything in this country and the billions were frittered away on tax cuts and we are still suffering the consequences.
As for the policies of this present shower they will be just as divisive and destructive, it doesn't need an oracle to see that the recent cuts will cause increasing homelessness and poverty that will in the end cost more in heartache, mental health and finance. Privatising and fragmenting the NHS is already happening but what price our health when it comes to making profits eh?
A modern myth is being created around Thatcher but there are too many people that were hurt by her policies for that to hold water, so no I will not show her any respect, she did far too much damage for that. And as for our spending 10 million on a "not a state funeral" at a time of savage cuts don't get me started.....

I think we should all take a moment to think of her children.

Right, I've thought about it, one's a convicted mercenary who is banned from a number of countries, and the other is an unapologetic racist.

She had a good innings and wanted for nothing, pity about the millions she screwed over. Good riddance, vile women.

And for those easily offended here's some poetry from Atilla the Stockbroker:

A Hellish Encounter:

The furnaces were roaring
With a foul and sulphurous smell
The damned were being tortured –
Just another day in Hell.
The air was full of ghastly screams
And soul-destroying moans
When above the dreadful clamour
Rose some shrill suburban tones…

‘So messy! And so smelly!
And so awfully, awfully hot!
And all you do is torture –
That puts nothing in the pot!
I’ll close down all your furnaces
Your unproductive ways
And build a brand new call centre –
A Purgatory that pays!’

The Devil dropped his pitchfork
And put on his coat and hat.
‘I don’t mind facing Jesus
But I can’t compete with that!’
But the damned and all the goblins
Pleaded ‘Lucifer, don’t go!’
Stay and help us in our fight -
Better the Devil that we know!’

So they voted him shop steward
And he led a demonstration
While Thatcher glared and tutted
In mad, impotent frustration.
Then they made some massive banners
In huge letters: ‘COAL NOT DOLE’!

Now Tomas de Torquemada
Held a centuries-old position
As editor of Hell’s newspaper
The Daily Inquisition.
So Thatcher went to him and said
‘I need some press support.
It always does my bidding.
Here’s some text for your report!’

But Tomas said ‘Can’t help you -
‘Cos, Satan, he’s my mate!
You know I’ve served him faithfully
Since 1468…’
So she yelled upstairs to Murdoch:
‘Rupert, time for you to die!
I need you down here urgently!’
But there was no reply.

Then the Devil came in glory
Brian Clough at his right hand
And in tones to shatter marble
He roared: ‘Margaret, you are banned!
Hell’s a worker-run collective
Self-sufficient, closely-knit.
We don’t need your poxy meddling.
I condemn you to the pit!

But, first, I’ll reunite you
With the one you love the most.
He was hiding in the coal hole.
He was dressed up as a ghost.
Said he DIDN’T WANT to see you!
Said to PLEASE keep him away!
But you’re here now, aren’t you, Denis?
Bid your lady wife good day…..

They were loaded in the lift shaft
And soon they were gone from sight
And heading for an awful place
Of pain and endless night
And you’re not going to believe this
‘Twas such awful, rotten luck -
But half way down the endless pit
The Thatchers’ lift got stuck...

So fight for social justice
And build a better world
And bury her foul legacy
With red banners unfurled
And heed the final message
Of this cautionary verse
Or you could end up like Denis.

I can think of nothing worse.



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