Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Years ago when I was living in Greece I got hooked on 'tavli' - otherwise known as backgammon. It's been years since I played and my board sits staring at me reproachfully in my living room. I am wondering if there are others in this community who would be interested in setting up a monthly backgammon evening? We might affiliate with the existing Backgammon in London network depending on how serious we want to get. I'm not driven by the desire to play for stakes, but simply to get to play and improve my skills. Perhaps a local bar or café would be interested in hosting the evening.

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Looking forward to it. See you all then.
Great to meet you and Cat this evening. Sorry your dice were all ones and twos Sophie! Looking forward to the next one.

It was great to meet you and Cat too. I managed to take a couple of games off Cat after you left so it wasn't a total rout . And it was great to get a dose of serious play even with all those ones and twos. I am thinking that Sunday 9th March from a little earlier at 5pm would be a good next session if that works for you and Cat and anyone else who would like to join us. It seems Sundays work well enough for Jam In A Jar for now and we'll see if it grows, in which case they suggest we might go for the Wednesday evening option. For now though Sunday works.

I really enjoyed meeting you both too, and the backgammon. Definitely up for doing it again.

Great! I will check with Jam In A Jar about 9th March for the next meet.

9th March now confirmed with Jam In A Jar and a new post is up.



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