Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The Wards Corner Community Coalition's plan for Wards Corner is now published on the LBH planning portal, ref HGY/2014/0575: 

"231-243 High Road N15 5BT - Restoration of the existing market and corner building bringing 2150m2 of derelict space into A1, A2, A3 and B1 use, installation of bay windows to the front, dormer windows to the front and rear, reinstatement of chimneys, replacement of existing shop-fronts to the front of the market with new glazed facade, improvements to the public realm to the front of the market, new glazed rear doors added to the rear, new DDA compliant access to the first and second floor, reintroduction of internal light-wells from the first to ground floor and insulation of building to increase thermal efficiency."

In short, restoring the boarded-up corner building and first and second floors and rebuilding the indoor market while saving its 200 jobs and facilitating many more.  The main description of the plan can be found at the three sections of the Design+Access Statement, DAS rev A, chapters 1, 2, and 3-4, c. 20th> items on the list of documents. 

This is the core area of the Seven Sisters town centre threatened with demolition by the notorious Grainger plan. 

Comments will be open for three weeks, nominally closing on 28th March. We will be having an open meeting/launch/feedback session on 27th March, venue TBC close to home. More details to follow, meanwhile please have a look at the plans and add your comments. If so minded, don't forget to tick the 'Support the application' button so it makes counting easy.

The LBH Planning Dept should make its decision by 24th April.


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Grainger don't own the land or buildings either. Transport for London does, and will not be relinquishing the freehold to anyone. 

Any number of people can put in planning applications for anywhere. There's nothing to prevent someone submitting a plan to build a tower block in my back garden. They would of course be unlikely to obtain consent.  There is no reason for the council to turn down this application. Grainger were not asked to say where they would obtain the money - apart of course from the £1.5 million they have already banked, from us taxpayers.

Many thanks for posting this Pam. It looks more like a human-scale, enlightened 21st century plan, rather than Grainger PLC's latest 1990s off-the-peg development.

It may be too late for the council to recover the c. £1,500,000 that they donated to the giant, listed property company. A donation of taxes that was premature and foolish.

However, I would welcome a U-turn by the Council over their misconceived and misguided promotion of this developer's interests on his site.

am a prospective councillor candidate
Highgate Ward | Liberal Democrat Party

A handy short-form version of the link to the planning portal, so you can quote it any old hoo:


Support registered.

Thanks to everyone who’s worked on this, a great plan which I hope will be seriously assessed by the Council.

At last we have a decent plan drawn up by local people for local people, that will retain local businesses and hopefully add many more. The middle classes who are now flocking to buy property in Tottenham will love this idea of a gateway to where they live. whereas they will not love the Grainger plan. Let us have more of this as a model of how to improve a place without decimating the area of its residents.

You can get a clearer idea of the design of the Community plan for Wards Corner by going to:  cc.StickyWorld.com

This gives a Virtual view of the proposed plan which you can navigate around.  You can also leave comment here or ask questions about the plan.  It looks beautiful.

The link below will take you to the council website where you can leave a comment if you so wish.




There should be an answer very shortly from the planning dept on the Wards Corner Community planning application. If this plan is passed, then we may have some chance of getting a part of Tottenham developed from community ideas. This idea is urgently needed as a template for the regeneration of Tottenham, given the scandalous way that regeneration is being conducted at present in this part of the borough. Will we ever get transparency and openness in planning matters. It does not look like it at present, judging by the secrecy surrounding Arup's ideas for the High Rd West Spurs development.
I find it a very bleak time for the future of this part of the borough which must be so much worse for all those whose security of housing and work is under such threat. If we carry on with this wholesale removal of artists, Latin American markets and people on low incomes, we will end up with an area devoid of liveliness and ideas. Why our politicians cannot see this, I do not know. And why they think that we have not discovered their double dealing makes me wonder at their intelligence. It is not too late to do the right thing. I just hope that Arup's will intervene and attempt to do the best for Tottenham. A good start would be for them to come and talk to the Wards Corner Community Coalition. After all, we have been campaigning for a very long time now.

Arup will intervene? This is the same Arup who want to demolish people's homes, businesses and Coombe's Croft Library, and who knows what else after that?

I'm trying to imagine how this would happen.

Perhaps a truly terrifying "Christmas Carol" dream? When all the Arup staff working on "regeneration" of Tottenham share the same horrifying nightmare?  In which they meet the dismal ghosts of their Tottenham Future.

And wake the next morning, terrified and trembling, demanding an urgent meeting with the Dear Leader and her minions somewhere calm and soothing. A much scaled down yacht, perhaps; the good ship Liebe Klara on the Ally Pally boating lake?

Where the Arup staff - still shaking with fear from their nightmare - explain to Claire, Joe, Nick, and Lynn - with little poodle Strickland under the table with a bowl of water - that Arup have truly seen the future this time. That the fairy story "Plan for Tottenham" really isn't really going to work and doesn't have a happy ending.

Would the Dear Leader listen?  Is there any evidence whatsoever that Claire Kober and Joe Goldberg have the slightest capacity to listen, learn and question the basis of the Tory plan they are following?

But let's imagine I'm completely and utterly wrong about them? Let's suppose that behind their reassuring everyday Tory policies, our Muswell Hill Colonial Administration is actually interested in something more than holding onto power and building their political careers using Tottenham votes.

What would happen when Arup revealed their profound change of heart? This is what it says in Sir Stuart Lipton's Report 2012, Recommendation 1, page 8.

"Form an independent governance structure. ...  Led by an independent, authoritative Chairman and dynamic Chief Executive, a Tottenham-based governance organisation should oversee regeneration in the area, champion joined-up government, and secure powers and funds from Whitehall. It should include a board of local experts from fields such as health, education and business."

So why has this proposal for a separated Boris-run Colonial Board not been taken forward?  My explanation is simple. A separate governance organisation to administer and exploit Tottenham and carry through the Lipton Tory plans, is not needed.  Because the job is being done reliably, in good heart, and to the letter, by Claire Kober and her red-rosetted Tories. The District Commissioners.

My guess is also that the developers are not particularly interested in Wards Corner. The Song of Saint Stuart, Psalm 2012 to the developers: "Lift up thine eyes unto the stumps of tower blocks from whence cometh thy profits".

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor until May 2014)

I had a thorough read of your detailed D&A, and a good look at your thorough proposal before writing my supportive comments for the application. I wrote my comments irrespective of alternative applications I have read about as I feel your plan is much better considered and thought out, protects local heritage and will enhance the local community, economy and entrepreneurship of the area. In my opinion this proposals responds better to any area masterplan, SPDs, grand visions, or political aspiration that the Arup led monocultural Starbuck-Costa-Bury-Barratt-Ville that Grainger/ LBH promotes.  

London is full of community groups that took on the big developers and won! Good luck. I hope you succeed!

Here's an interesting piece appearing in Building Design (see pdf) regarding a community victory to preserve buildings in Spitalfields from BDP designed noody-villes. Link to this on Spitalfieldslife: http://spitalfieldslife.com/2014/04/17/victory-for-east-end-preserv...

Note the local trust features designs at the end of the article by Jonathan Freegard Architects which are now being considered by the planners, Just goes to show that it is never too late.


Cool, thanks for the link. Those buildings do look like a bit of a challenge.

We should hear this week from LBH re our plan. The 8-week deadline for them to respond, ends tomorrow.  Apparently they are awaiting a response from TfL: which is one of the orgs that has to be consulted, like the Fire Brigade and Envtal Health.

Good luck Pam.

The local and community-based and driven proposal is the one that deserves to succeed, for all the right reasons.

am a prospective councillor candidate
Highgate Ward | Liberal Democrat Party



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