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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Appeal for volunteer stewards for the Lordship Rec Community Festival

Message from HAVCO:

The Lordship Rec Community Festival on Saturday Sept 22nd (1-5pm) will be an ambitious and exciting community event, building on the success of previous festivals there.

There will be a huge range of activities* for people of all ages and interests in order to celebrate the community's and the Council's successful efforts to regenerate Tottenham's largest park, and to showcase the newly improved facilities there. The festival is organised through the Lordship Rec Users Forum, actively supported by the Friends of Lordship Rec, Haringey Council and the Back 2 Earth charity, and by a range of local residents groups.

There's been a lot of voluntary work over the past few weeks to prepare for the festival, and many of us will be putting in a 12hr day on Saturday 22nd. The Lordship Rec Users Forum in partnership with the Haringey Volunteer Centre are asking for your help too!

To make it all go as well as possible, we need a large group of volunteers to steward during the day. Although the activities are mainly self-organised and most include the volunteers they need, we will inevitably need many extra general helpers. More the merrier!

We need volunteers to: help set up; distribute programmes; look out for people's welfare; staff entrances and key points; traffic control etc.

So can you volunteer or do you know someone who would like to? We need volunteers to be available for 4hr or 8hr periods of duty (preferably 8hrs!). There will be briefing sessions for all volunteers at 10am and midday on site. Volunteers will mostly work in pairs, so if want to volunteer to with a friend that's even better. Anyone can do it as long as they are over 18yrs old, and are reliable and responsible. You will wear a thin luminous tabard, and receive vouchers for some free food whilst on duty if you volunteer for 4 hours or more. And you get to enjoy the whole event and gain satisfaction from helping to make it happen!

Details: www.lordshiprec.org.uk/festival

* Activities include: Tottenham Flower & Produce Show, Fun Dog Show, Cycling Activities & Dr Bike, Fun Run, Music Performances, Community Cafe, Football Tournament, Netball, Tennis, Dance, Martial Arts, Rugby, Arts and Crafts for Under-5s and for older children, Pedal-powered Stage, History Displays, Adventure Play, Children's Procession, Picnics, Community Stalls

If you can volunteer, please contact the Haringey Volunteer Centre with your details:

email: jh@havcoharingey.org.uk      

Tel: 020 8880 4032     

Address: HAVCO, Unit 337, Lee Valley Technopark, Ashley Road N17 9LN

Information Requested




Phones:  (h) & (m)

Can you bring this mobile on 22nd?

Periods available: 8am/10am or Midday up to Midday/2pm/4pm/6pm or 8pm

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