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Appalling traffic leaving Sainsbury's and Arena retail park - anyone know what's happening with it?

It took me an hour and 15 minutes to leave Sainsbury's car park today and I had a torrent of abuse from a revolting irate man and witnessed one car screeching up the wrong side of the road, over taking all the waiting traffic, screaming abuse at the hapless parking attendants trying to direct/calm the remaining traffic. I've seen several threads on this but they all seem to be from last year. I've reported the problem to the council (as I hope have many others) but the problem seems to have just got worse and worse. It seems particularly bad this week for some reason.

Does anyone know what is being done or planned to try and sort this out? I'm surprised that there hasn't been a serious assault or incident due to the ridiculously badly thought out traffic lights and planning of the extension of the store.

Tags for Forum Posts: congestion, lights, sainsbury's, tfl, traffic

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But Birdy, Tesco, where you get your deliveries from aren't exactly cheap!
AGORAphobes I can empathise with but the more snobby misicelandicists there are the less crowded the (a)isles of Iceland remain for the rest of us and all the more delightful my Schadenfreude at your endless threads of Sainsbury-induced masochism. I'll take my chance with Bjork and those other geysers.
But Birdy, Tesco, where you get your deliveries from aren't exactly cheap!

In the financial spectrum of the supermarket they are midway and a damn sight cheaper than most, including Sainos, M&S and Waitrose. If Morros or Asda delivered, I'd go with them and get my Cruelty Free Fois Grais from some west end boutique.
people, we've gone from issues about traffic coming out the Arena area to where we shop and how that puts us on a scale of snobbery! Never mind the pollution and poor old dieing environment eh!
I received this reply from the council planning department this morning. Apparently there is a scheme in operation to help the traffic. If this refers to the beleaguered car park attendants, it's hardly what I'd call a scheme and is hopelessly ineffective.

Dear Ms Louise Willows,

Thank you for your email dated 30 October regarding the problems relating to traffic exiting the Arena shopping development.

I can inform you that the signals at the junction have been upgraded and were commissioned by the Directorate of Traffic Operations (DTO), part of Transport for London (TfL), on 2 December 2008, following extensive liaison between TfL and Haringey.

However, we are of the view that in terms of congestion within the site, this issue could be resolved by better active traffic management by the owners. For this reason we have been working with the landowners who now have a scheme which should improve circulation of traffic within the Arena and therefore ease the problem you have experienced.

In light of the previous traffic problems which have occurred in the area during the festive season, the owners have informed us that they will endeavour to implement part of the scheme before the Christmas break.

I hope the above information is helpful and thank you for taking the time to write in to me.


Danny Gayle

Engineering Projects Manager

Highways Asset Group

London Borough of Haringey
This means nothing, really.
"However, we are of the view that in terms of congestion within the site, this issue could be resolved by better active traffic management by the owners."

Translation: we don't care, it's not our problem, and if this continues it's not our fault, as we have firmly passed the buck.

How exactly are the owners meant to manage the traffic when the proble is that it's impossible for people to leave? The only thing they can do is to stop people coming in in the first place, or hold up traffic on Green Lanes and I'd love to see what the council would say then!
They need to do a little better than this I think.
oh, they will just keep taking the money from the business rates and the advertising on the bridge, from lampposts etc but take no responsibility for anything else. The only way to get them to listen is a campaign, a protest, something like that. I think trying to reason with them isnt working, is it?
Agree with you Ruth, I'm all for a protest to get them to listen. Torches and pitchforks? Or more peaceful measures..? I'd love it of people did actually vote with their feet and stopped going, that would be the best. Could we block the entrance..?
The best thing would be if people stopped going but many people come from other places I guess and perhaps seem to like spending half their day in a jam. Its the local aspects we have to get across- the noise, pollution, danger of bad driving (already one death at that spot remember, you can see the roadside shrine and flowers to this poor woman) plus the dirt and generally stress of constant jams which block public transport as well....
We have to somehow put it all across as being a community issue.
Hi Ruth, let's not pre-empt the findings of the inquest into the woman's death. It's not certain that it was due to bad driving - witnesses have said that the woman ran across the road, ignoring the crossing.
Oh yes, ignoring the crossing, the penalty for which is death. Even murderers get less.
We talk about giving the streets back to the people with the concept of Shared Space. Shared Space has to mean shared responsibility.

Ruth's post implies that her death was caused by bad driving, which is NOT NECESSARILY so. Unless you subscribe to the concept of " Innocent until proven to be a Driver "



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