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Everywhere is so wet and muddy. But want to extend my route. So was thinking parkland walk and then across to Highgate woods. Maybe ally pally. But will all be roads back down which im not over enthusiastic about

Any suggestions gladly recieved

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+1 for the Lea if you are after a longer stretch. Once you're on the towpath anything from a 10k to a marathon distance available on the flat.

Queens Woods as a good loop after Parkland Walk and Highgate woods - then down through the cricket pitches in Crouch End, Priory Park, and back - along the new river segment from Hornsey station to take you more off-road. 

Or - the new river path to the woodberry wetlands.

Or over to the Walthamstow marshes and the lee valley park - you can go on the quieter roads to get there. But that's a lovely loop down to the Regent's Canal and then up from Southgate Road. From the middle of the ladder that's a 12.5 mile route.

Brilliant. Thankyou so much for all your fab suggestions. I only started running 6m ago when our pool closed for renovation so I'm a rather mature newbie to it but love it. I can comfortably do 12-13km so I thought I would try pushing myself a bit and see if I can extend to 15-16km

12 miles is massive.and way more than I can do

 Although I did say I would stop at 10km so my old knees don't give up. But it's just so much fun 

Hadn't realised I could pick up the new river at hornsey station. I will check the map as sounds like a good run

Finsbury Park up Parkland Walk and through Queens Wood and Highgate Wood then the other bit of Parkland Walk to Alexandra Park and back through the New River Village and the bit of the New River path from Hornsey Station to Hewitt Road, largely avoids roads apart from 1/2 mile of Wightman. It's under 8 miles but you could easily extend that by spending more time in the parks if you like.

Haven't done it for a while so not sure how muddy it is. To avoid running on either mud or roads your best bet might be to cycle to the River Lea Navigation to start at say Markfield Park or Springfield Park and run north or south, there are puddles but generally not mud and you can go for miles and barely see any cars.

Joe that is perfect, thank you so much. I’m not sure exactly where to go through the new river village etc, but I will have a look. Probably loads wet muddy trails but at least different obes

river lea sound perfect running terrain but at the moment after spending hundreds of years cycling and swimming, I’m so in love with the fact I can put on my trainers and GO have an adventure

I love that route. Sometimes I extend it and take in the reservoirs as well.

Or head up to Ally Pally, down Parkland Walk north then across to Hampstead Heath.

The Heath is particularly boggy at the moment, I wear my grippiest trail shoes!

Looks like you've got lots of great suggestions! I'd also recommend signing up on Strava (it's an app) and seeing what routes people are running in the area. It's great for mapping something out, and/or following local runners to see what paths they tend take/how long they are (also fun to track your own routes and compete with yourself for time/distance),

I rarely run more than 5k at a time, so our local parks tend to suit me fine! Good luck!!

Running through the park next to Park View School and onto Tottenham rec is nice. There’s nothing to stop you doing Parkland Walk and returning on the same route. Also running along the canal from Springdale Park is nice or along the canal from Woodberry Down area and looping back through Finsbury Park is nice 

Thanks so much for all the tips guys, brilliant

I forgot to say another thing I love doing is to get the train north and run back along the Lea. The furthest I've run so far is 18 miles from Broxbourne. I was planning to run from Ware along the New River one day soon but on a canal run this morning I spoke to a guy from the Canal & River Trust who said it's much better to go Roydon/Harlow way and run along the Stort instead. 

I'm supposed to be doing hilly runs but if I feel like a flat one I'll give it a go.

Sarah. You are a machine. But yes I love the idea of running as far as I can and then get train back. Think might give it a bit of time to dry out first

I was going to try the ally pally route this morning. But it was just too sunny so a swim in the lido won. Got to work on my suntan

Up and down the Ladder roads always a good workout - by the way I have some men's 10.5 Saucony running shoes to virtually give away for pounds10 - please message me privately if you know someone who might be interested. First come, first served etc...



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