Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Dunno about the rest of you but here in Harringay ward I've had a quite few bits from Labour, one leaflet from the Conservatives and nothing from any of the other candidates. Have they given up before they've even started?

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Must be an uphill struggle.

Unless they started at the Wightman Rd end

They didn't get as far as Seymour. Lightweights!

I'm sure they have all learnt from our Sinn Féin lads and lassies that ABSTENTION FROM WESTMINSTER is definitely the best policy.

Not being voted in in the first place is a rather extreme form of abstention OAE
Thanks for feedback.Green Party will now do Vale and Tiverton.Mystery surrounds the issue of the other roads mentioned which were covered by our lovely and most energetic candidate Dee Searle
Still nothing from the Green Party in Tiverton Road N15. Don't know much about them locally but would like to, also interested in TUSC who seem to have quite a high profile in Haringey. I've accessed lots of info about them. Go Jenny!

Thanks for feedback. It was to have been done following your info last time and have messaged our distrib person. 

I have a verbal that Tiverton has been done, but that means little if you didn't receive any Green literature. We are giving out a postcard size so it may be hiding somewhere. We will be waterboarding the leafleter to check on the veracity of their tale. ('grey' water of course! #lovetheplanet) Our free mailshot should be delivered approx 2nd May. Electoral Calculus had us at 11.8% with the Tories just ahead on 12.4%. Coming second would be an enormous fillip for the Greens in Tottenham so please if you agree with us get out and vote! OK so Lammy is out of sight but we're trying harder!

We definitely haven't had them on Tiverton Road Philip. Entry to the flats during the daytime could have been an issue. You can only use the 'trades' entrance button before 12pm.

that will be it! we have had trouble getting into lots of blocks. thanks for tip.

You'd have to ring specific numbers and hope that someone is home to let you in.
Still nothing at all from the Greens through the post nor hand delivered.



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