Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Can anyone help with either of the above please?

A fellow Hornsey Historical Society (HHS) member has a small pot of Permanganate of Potassium bought in the 1950s locally.

The label states

EG Jones MPS

(from Roberts + Co Bond Street)

Alexandra Pavement Hornsey N8


My searching of Kellys Directories from the 1950s and 1939 have not revealed either a chemist called Jones or an address called Alexandra Pavement (i checked Turnpike ane, Alexandra Road, High Street Hornsey, Priory Road and Park Road as likely)


If anyone knows of either can they please let me know so we can pin this down?


many thanks

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Thanks Stephen. I knew HoL would come up trumps
Thanks Anne I will check.
Kelly's directory from 1935 has a chemist called Edward Garfield Jones at 192 Middle Lane.

Thank you Michael. I will add your info to the rest as part of the archives. this will enable the Society to provide information to enquirers in future



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