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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Unfortunately the nature of the ladder lends itself to many of the roads being used as a high speed rat run for people cutting through to either Green Lanes or Wightman Road.

We live on Seymour which may be one of the quiter ones, but I still frequently here cars speeding past at all hours of the day and night.

I have two children and there are a lot of cats in the road too. Sadly, as of this weekend there is one less after our dear sweet Elvis (a black & white felix type cat that was a friend to everyone at the top end of the road) was hit and killed.

Please please please if you drive, do it at a reasonable speed. The bumps are there to advise caution. And frankly, if you don't you risk damage to your car and taking a very dearly beloved pet away from its family.

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Hello Cara


I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. It's always sad to lose a pet, but to lose one in such a sudden and violent way is so much worse.

I also wish that drivers could be persuaded to drive carefully at a sensible speed. Sadly I feel that for many people any attempt to restrict their driving habits is seen as an insult to their machismo/freedoms/rights.

As much as I like the idea of the Pace Car, I suspect it would create a long tail of angry drivers attempting dangerous overtaking moves at the increased peril of other road users and indeed pet cats.

I can't thing of anything that will improve the behaviour of drivers except tough enforcement of existing laws and harsher penalties for offenders. Personally I'd favour a "three-strikes-and-your-out principle" whereby any three offences - be that illegal parking, speeding or faulty brake lights incurs a driving ban.

Once again, condolences for your lost pet.

If 'pacing' means locals driving at the proscribed 20 mph then they should be doing that anyway. I find no problem driving at 20mph in the area apart from the odd impatient nutter and I have no problem ignoring them.

When the speed limit was 30 mph I would routinely find drivers doing 40 mph particularly on Wightman Road, I do think the 20mph limit has made some difference by reducing the speed to more like 25-30 mph for most drivers. I think that this reduced speed has had another effect in that prior to the 20 mph limit, cars on Wightman Road would dash along and then bunch up behind a slower car or bunch up behind a car coming out onto Wightman however now I find that the cars are more evenly spaced leaving fewer gaps and as a result it is harder to find a space to pull out into. I think that this may be a good thing as it means that drivers have to be more careful in their driving. There is only a tail back on Warham Road during busy periods and again if it means that drivers have to 'rest' for a short while and slow down and look at the sunflowers then its no bad thing. Perhaps they will reflect on their place in the rat race and consider going by public transport. 

To be honest, I think it's a much bigger problem at night, probably because the roads are less busy, they think they can get away with it. I often hear the clunk of car suspension on sleeping policeman. Though it's not exclusive to night time. It is tricky as the limit is 20, perhaps a petition to the council to monitor it, I'm not sure if those things they put across the roads for a short period measure speed or just numbers passing over them?

All of the roads are so densely populated with cars, that it's so easy for a child, or a pet to seem to come from nowhere in between the parked cars, and the reality is, as the TV advertising tells us - at 20mph the chances of survival if you're hit are far higher than at 30.

I have no problem driving at 20, or at giving my brakes a tap as a gentle warning to anyone trying to get into my boot, mostly because I have the benefit of a) a towbar that would damage their car far more than mine if they were to hit and b) a strapping man who wouldn't hesitate to get out and have a quiet word. The point is that I shouldn't have to do either of those.

I don't know what the answer is, but I think if we're all more aware of it, and make the council aware also, then perhaps something can be done.

Mind you - I have written to the council about the persistant and disgusting issue of Wightman Road pavements being a game of dog shit roulette to no avail, so I won't hold my breath.  

Cara I am so sorry to hear about your cat.  I "know" two black and white cats on Seymour, one of which is very friendly and comes into the house if you give him/her half a chance. I've also seen him/her sitting inside a plant pot on the windowsill of his house.

Whether or not either of these cats are Elvis, I feel very sad for you.

I have a little black and white cat. I don't let her out yet as she's a bit too young. I'm dreading the day she starts going out because of things like this.


Just to be clear, the title of my post is inclusive of all ladder roads. My first line 'Unfortunately the nature of the ladder lends itself to many of the roads being used as a high speed rat run for people cutting through to either Green Lanes or Wightman Road.' states that many roads are used for people cutting through. Where exactly does it say that I condone speeding on either of Wightman Road or Green Lanes? Or suggest that it doesn't occur on those roads? Nowhere. Exactly.

The very point of the post in the first place, clearly indicated in the title of it, is to highlight the issue of unsafe and high speed driving on the ladder inclusively. A very serious and worthy point, regardless of the death of my pet or any others.

So quite frankly, scolding about scemantics or trying to insinuate meaning that frankly isn't there is entirely inappropriate and does nothing but take focus away from a very valid and serious point. So if you can respond with a comment relevant to the original post or sentiment of it, why reply at all. Particularly if you are in the case of OAE going to do so in an insensitive, patronising and insulting manner?

The fact remains, people drive too fast on all roads of the ladder, despite so-called traffic calming measures being in place. The result of which, sadly was the death of my cat, but could easily be much much worse. That is the only point up for discussion.

End of.

You meant 'So if you can't respond...', didn't you?

Sorry but I've been on about ladder traffic for years and do find it a little rich that someone waits until their cat is killed before it vexes them enough to post on here.


Cara just joined on 9th Nov. 

To post about her cat. Yeah, I noticed.

So what? What's the problem? Cara cares about her cat. You care about trucks. Different strokes, John; different strokes.

Ha, given Cara's reaction to the bloke in the white van I suspect we're more similar than you think.

I'm not pointing up any differences, J. Just not clear what your beef is here.



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