If you don't yet have an Avatar (the picture on your profile), why not use a favourite photo you already have or search Google images for a picture you can use to represent yourself here on HCW.
It's easy to upload. If you're not sure how, here are some simple instructions. Keep this post open in a separate tab or window so you can refer back to it or copy and paste them into a Word document and then and you can even print them out to refer to as you go along. It'll only take 2 minutes:
- click "My Profile" tab.
- click the "change my profile photo" link under the space for the photo, top left.
- click the little picture by "profile photo".
- click the button by "upload an image from your computer"
- click on "Browse"
- this opens your explorer. Navigate to the file/image on your computer. click it.
- then click "open" - this pastes the file name into your My page edit box.
- click "Done".
- click "save" and you're done.
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