Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just found the following on Haringey Council's site. Sounds like a great success. Clearly Mrs E's just had the wrong approach all along.

Clean Sweep in Harringay and St Ann’s was a great success with 6 days worth of activity across the two wards. The programme of activity was compiled as a result of extensive consultation with residents, via the Green Lanes Strategy Group, and with Cabinet and Ward Councillors. The programme of activity also took into account the key issues of the area such as dog fouling and cigarette litter.

Key Achievements:
  • 20 cigarette and chewing gum bins installed on Green Lanes
  • 180 students from North and South Harringay primaries benefited from dog fouling and citizenship workshops by Eco Active
  • 20 pupils from Chestnuts primary planted over 150 bulbs on Duckett’s Common
  • 200 letters delivered to Green Lanes businesses highlighting the opportunity to purchase discounted cigarette and chewing gum bins
  • 3 Labour, 2 Liberal Democrat and 1 GLA councillor attended the Duckett’s Common high profile litter pick event. (That must have REALLY helped.)
  • 2 councillors participated in the Green Lanes cigarette bin photo call. (That must have REALLY helped too.)
  • Plant beds re-planted on the Harringay ladder roads
  • Clearance of undergrowth on Mountview estate
  • Clearance of dumping and tidying of greenery on Hallam Road
  • Enforcement on dog fouling on Harringay Passage
  • Clearance of asbestos, used syringes, car tyres and gas cylinders from Colina Mews by Waste Management and Accord
  • Clearance of overgrown communal back area at 67-109 Warwick Gardens
  • High visibility Enforcement patrols across the two wards
  • Additional sweeping on: Harringay Rd, Hallam Rd; St Margaret’s Avenue; Culvert Road; Harringay Passage; Salisbury Road; Cornwall Road and Ducketts Road
  • 13 enforcement waste disposal notices served on businesses
  • 300 warning notices and letters served on private addresses concerning eyesore front gardens
  • 30 vehicles carrying waste were stopped and checked for licences – happily only one fine was issued
  • 2 abandoned vehicles removed
  • 12 notices served to residents to cut back undergrowth on Harringay Passage
  • 1 interview under caution for building scaffolding infringing on regulations
  • 12 advisory letters handed out on Duckett’s Road

Now, you see Liz, if you could participate in a photo call or two or even just attend the odd litter pick, the troops would be motivated and we'd be half way there!

Tags for Forum Posts: litter, rubbish

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You don't give dates for this, some of these activities date from a while back but , of course, you are utterly wrong sir.
It sounds like council policy is being utterly driven by my weekly emails.

Like some figures on how many people were caught with fouling dogs on the Passage, though. Anyone can walk up there in a yellow vest and call that enforcement.

And publishing your job sheet doesn't mean you are successfully tackling the underlying problems that cause these things to happen...
You do know that I jest Mrs E.
Of course, you young whippersnapper, I should indeed be considered a complete half wit if I took your headline as anything but tomfoolery.My response to you , sir, should be seen as penned in a similar light hearted vein...

I mean what I say in the rest of the response though...
"20 pupils from Chestnuts primary planted more than 150 bulbs on Duckett's Common."
Green low-energy long-life bulbs, I trust.
And how can they have students at N.&S. Harringay but mere pupils at Chestnuts?
Seems to me that list of green achievements is crying out for some of Brendan O'Neill's satire.
Eddie, I trust you have an evening free to do just that :)

And, Hugh, who is this 'Liz' character? Some publicity seeking, airhead with a hankering to fame? Mrs E (if you please) only appears in quality publications.
Re: Mrs E

I think Hugh is getting his flickrs in a twist :°)
"180 students from North and South Harringay primaries benefited from dog fouling and citizenship workshops by Eco Active ... "

I'd have thought they aren't the ones that need to be taught about dog fouling - they see the evidence most days on their ways to school.



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