Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

DEFRA have just published their annual report on fly-tipping across the UK (Yes, it is sad that I should know this - but, in my defence, only thanks to an e-alert!). It covers the period April 2006 to March 2007 and breaks down data across the UK by borough, giving information on the number of incidents, attempted and successful prosecutions and costs.

Overall Haringey recorded the second highest number of incidents of all London boroughs. It shows, 68,009 incidents. Only Wandsworth reported a higher number at a whopping 158,076. Of the other London boroughs, only Lewisham is anywhere near these two, with 61,000 incidents. Most other London boroughs were significantly lower than our own, a handful with between 5 and 10,000 incidents, some between 1 and 5,000 and some only in the hundreds.

Now, my lay reading of this data is that the figures may show that Haringey is somewhat more on its toes that it neighbours. My personal experience says that they're not doing a bad job in this area. Reporting is made easy; response is good. Also the fact that the efficiently run Wandsworth is the London league topper sugggests that efficient boroughs score highly in this case. Does anyone know any different?

On costs Haringey is apparently doing well at £29 per incident. On a quick review, of the London boroughs, only Wandsworth does better at £23.

On prosecutions, Haringey seems to be doing rather badly compared to the number of incidents. Last year it made a total of 12 prosecutions - all of them successful; that's one prosecution per 5,000+ incidents. Lambeth managed one per 1,355. However Wandsworth reported only one per 9,000.

Overall, I think this is likely to be an area where Haringey's doing well. But interptreting stats on an area with which you're not familliar is always a danger. Have a look a the data yourself if you're tired on watching your toenails grow at DEFRA Fly-Tipping Report.

By the way, the same report tell us that across the UK last year fly-tipping cost us all nearly £75 million. See the report overview at DEFRA Fly-tiping summary, London

Tags for Forum Posts: collection, council, flytipping, haringey, rubbish, statistics, waste

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