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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The return of the Instant Messaging feature (and using a Chat feature)

If you haven't used this yet, it enables you to send real time messages to people onscreen. Click on a person's picture in the Instant Messaging box on the right hand side and a black box should come up in which you can write your message. Then just send it.
If you receive a message it will appear in the top right hand corner of the screen.
By clicking on your own picture in the box you can enable a sound notification (not perfect, only works sporadically) or tick a box which enables you to ignore messages sent to you.

We experimented briefly with the Chat feature from Ning, which also allows private chat rooms to be set up by inviting people to join, but the feature did not seem v popular at this time. We did discuss some possible uses, like real time chats with local 'faces' or small group meetings in the private chat but little interest was shown in this.

What do you think? Could there be a place for it? Perhaps we could use a rolling public chat board for a Twitter style rolling update/mini blog (e.g. email the council about dog poo today! I'm sick of chicken boxes on my road etc)? I could see the benefits/fun of it but is there a real NEED for it or would it be just clutter on the page? Any thoughts?

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Could the ning chat thing be used to play online 'consequences' I'm just thinking of things to entertain one self when one is at work..



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