Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

This website contains no traditional advertising. Ever wondered who funded it? Well a few members have stumped up for the costs so far. Recently some of us decided that we'd accept advertising for a trial period from "local" businesses.

I think accepting money from advertisers is a mistake. I would prefer that the funding continues to come from philanthropic site members. I think advertising on here should take the form of blog and forum posts as it does at the moment and that we accept no money for this.

What do others think?

Tags for Forum Posts: advertising, funding

Views: 215

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Replies to This Discussion

Have to say I think Birdy has a fair point on this - and well expressed.

- the HoL Navigators' meeting is open to all.
- decisions have to be made.
- the HoL Navs is the place they're made.
- we made a decision.
- we stick to it.
- we review it, as agreed, in 6 months.
- same for other decisions (And remember HoL Navs is not setting itself up to be a super-residents' group; it's there to make a community venture out of running the site - rather than it being a comHughnity venture!)
- so, good debate. Let's go with what we agreed at the meeting and move on.



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