Do they? or does everyone just enjoy watching a 'train wreck'? At least the girl has a little talent (unlike VB) but I can't help feeling a sneaking sympathy with her. If I had had a camera following me every time I was face down after a few pints or causing trouble after too much vino, I think the pics would have been as ugly as the ones we see of Ms W. She does need to put a few pounds on though...
Physical beauty isn't really in the eye of the beholder; its been subject to quite a bit of analysis and we now know, for example that the symmetircal face is preferred to the less symetrical face. More than this, one theory is that beautiful female faces can be fit to some extent to a mask and the more one deviates from this norm or 'standard', the less the face is generally regarded as beautiful.
One website that addresses this endlessly fascinating subject is:
How about turning this upside down and asking what's truly ugly? To me that's unwashed, badly dressed (meaning scruffy, grubby and in clothes that don't fit, not being unfashionable), basically someone who does not look after him or herself. You do not have to be self obsessed to bother to at least look half decent when you leave the house.
And make sure your clothes fit. If you're a size 16, forcing yourself into that size 12 top is probably not a good idea, and certainly won't enhance your physical beauty.
Again, I refer to Wood Green as an example, just pop up to Shopping City and have a look..
Agree that very beautiful people can be incredibly boring though!