Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

.........they've moved Borough Market to Trafalgar Square for the day by way of celebration.

(We're not a very imaginitive lot sometimes, we Brits.)

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Looks like it could be fun if the rain stops...
Not sure what they could do. Have a big concert?

Love Borough market. Going there on Saturday.
I guess if you think of what goes on elswhere on national days, then the sky's the limit.
Isn't the problem with St George's day that it is hard to define what it is for. Many national day celebrations are about the establishment of a country and or the celebration of ridding yourself of some empire or other. Or they celebrate that country's national identity (cliches and all). It is harder to define Englishness (Jeremey Paxman's very entertaining book, The English had a go but a lot of it is about attitudes). We are also faintly embarrassed (being English) by the day because of its chequered past in the hands of the far right and the flag was for many years synonomous with the politics of hate. If we have one thing to thank football for it is the rescusing of this English flag from its old associations! Mind you, declaring it a national holiday would probably go a long way to making people come up with ways to celebrate: morris dancers, warm beer and cucumber sandwiches anyone?.



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