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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Is there anyone else out there who is as distressed as i am at the state of the Wightman Road 'race track'? The speed of the traffic, the uneven, narrow pavements.....i could go on. Not only would i never consider cycling along this road, but i am also getting increasingly nervous about even walking (pushing a pushchair) along the road, as the vehicles chicane around the traffic islands. Surely, the state of this road is totally inconsistant with the council's policy of encouaraging a green lifestyle and getting people out of their cars.

I have recently been in dialogue with the council regarding this matter, and was given the predictable response of 'can't put in speed bumps due to the strategic nature of Wightman Road' and 'lack of funding' despite the recent 300% increase in residents parking parmits, according to the council due to 'green initiatives'. I find their lack of lateral thinkinging around this problem infuriating.

If, like me, you feel that slowing the traffic down on Wightman Road is a total no-brainer' PLEASE send an e-mail to CLEMENT.FREMPONG@HARINGEY.GOV.UK and STREETSCENE@HARINGEY.GOV.UK informing them of your concerns.

I'm sure we can get something done about this highly unsaticefactory situation and make the Wightman Road area a much more pleasant place to live.

p.s. If anyone from Her Majisty's Finest is reading this, is it possible to get some 'road saftley' speed cameras set up?

Thanks for you attention, Andy Ayles

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I am in support of the enforcement of a 20mph slow zone. It should also reduce the noise pollution of speeding vehicles and motorcycles.

It's amazing the number of cars that speed up to go through amber lights. There are school children who walk along the road and it's not safe.

Only a month or so ago, my end of Wightman Road was taped off by accident teams and police due to an accident. That might not have been speed but reducing speed can go some way to reducing the likelihood of accidents.

The one thing I would comment is cyclists is that many are notorious for not stopping at lights and that is potentially just as dangerous. A fair number of cyclists do adhere to stopping at red lights so I am not criticising all cyclists!
This is pretty cheeky of you Tom, using a post about Wightman Rd to have a pop at cyclists. I have seen many cars go through the red light of the pedestrian crossing at the top of Hampden Rd (including a police car that was 2 foot away from my son on his bicycle crossing with the green man). I have NEVER seen a cyclist go through that red light.

Can we get away from the cyclists/red lights rubbish and concentrate on how to make Wightman Rd safe for everyone? That includes the pizza delivery guy who was the victim in the accident you speak of outside the Mosque.

BTW, reducing speed reduces the likelihood of a fatality when there IS an accident. I'm not sure how much evidence there is for it reducing the number of accidents, you still have a human behind the wheel.
I dont think Wightman Road is really comparable to Hornsey Lane. Mainly because Hornsey Lane does not run parrallel to a main road like Green Lanes, so it is not naturally a through road/ traffic calming road. Also, there are a lot more A and B Roads in the vicinity of Hornsey lane for traffic to be re-directed and evenly spread throughout the area.

If they slow the traffic down, Green Lanes will get even more clogged up. I cant see any other viable route for the traffic to take that avoids Green Lanes AND Wightman Road.

Though I agree, we shouldnt wait for accidents to happen and prevention is better than cure if there are obvious hazards in the area.

This is a tough one. I can see why there is no quick and easy solution. I wish Londoners would stop using their cars so unneccesarily. Bollards and speed humps alone cant prevent gridlock on our roads....
Petrol at 3 pounds a litre can ;)
I wrote to the powers that be after this discussion, and just received this reply from Tony Kennedy. Good news about the pavements, but no changes on anything else. He doesn't actually address a couple of the specific queries I had (in particular, the possiblity of a new pedestrian crossing in between the two existing crossings at Burgoyne/the Mosque). But I suspect the reason for that is contained in his concluding comment, that Wightman Road isn't one of the priority roads this year.

Any thoughts ....

Dear Ms Park,

Thank you for your enquiry regarding road safety issues on Wightman Road.

I will respond to the points you have made in the same order as set out in your e-mail.

1. Pedestrians

I am pleased to inform you that we will be carrying out footway maintenance work along Wightman Road during the current financial year. The work will involve improvements to the existing footway and remarking the areas where two wheeled vehicle parking is permitted. There is a criteria for the introduction of footway parking, which includes a minimum footway width that must be maintained for pedestrians. When introducing the improvements to the footway we will ensure that a suitable unobstructed width of footway is maintained for the passage of pedestrians. Please contact Laurence Pratt on 0208 489 1710 should you wish to discuss the above further.

2. Cyclists

I take note of your concerns regarding the dangers experienced by cyclists. As I am sure you will appreciate, when considering safety measures for a road we need to take an overall view of the objectives we are seeking to achieve. The refuge islands were implemented to encourage vehicles to reduce their speed and, to a lesser extent, provide uncontrolled crossing facilities for pedestrians. I appreciate however that the islands may cause difficulties for cyclists due to the narrowing of the road, particularly if negotiated at the same time as a vehicle. As with all narrow sections of highways we would encourage roads users to proceed with due care and attention when using the public highway.

3. Motorists

To reduce conflict at the junctions of the side roads with Wightman Road we introduced a traffic management system making the roads one way. As part of this scheme we also introduced waiting restrictions at the junctions that permitted access onto Wightman Road to improve sightlines for exiting vehicles. In view of your concerns however I will arrange for the existing restrictions to be reviewed to see if improvements can be made.

I can assure you that the Council regards road safety, particularly pedestrian safety, as a high priority and actively promotes road safety measures across the Borough to reduce traffic speeds and enhance the environment for the benefit of all road users. Unfortunately, Wightman Road is not included in our 2008/09 Highway Works Programme for further consideration of road safety measures at this time. I will however keep your views on file for further consideration should additional funding become available during the year.

Please contact me on 0208 489 1765 should you wish to discuss the above further.

Yours sincerely

Tony Kennedy
Group Manager
Traffic and Road Safety
This was the very person who wrote to me saying that I would need to be knocked down if I was to get a crossing at Alroy Road. "Wightman Road is not included in our 2008/09 Highway Works Programme for further consideration of road safety measures at this time. I will however keep your views on file for further consideration should additional funding become available during the year." actually means there is no money to do anything this year and it's unlikely to be considered next year. This is standard public sector speak. We need to lobby Tony Kennedy to take notice. It should not take a road accident to happen for them to take notice. I am happy to join forces :o)
You'd have to get a move on but is Get Funding for your favourite walking routes around the borough a possible avenue for funding?
Thank you, I have just applied. Is anyone else going to meeting on 24th? I can't make it but would be grateful if someone would mention Alroy Road along with Wightman Road.
If they select Wightman Road then I am sure that the Wightman Road residents association would be interested. Contact Eddie Finnegan on the site.



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