Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Is this site becoming too cosy? What would you like to see done differently in discussions?

I'm wondering if sometimes the way discussions can turn into 'chats' between people who may know each other or, through the site, have 'hit it off' online, may be putting people off contributing or making the site appear too cosy . Although a little humour is sometimes a good diffuser of a situation, some regular contributors, myself included, have an 'in joke' or two that may be read as flippant or even insulting to others.

Here are a couple of suggestions that people might like to take me up on.

1. You should be aware that you are publishing to an audience and that once your words are 'out there' they may be taken entirely differently from the way they were intended and that private messaging and your comments page may be the best way to carry on a joke/personal discussion, such as what beer you like or where you are having your tea.

2. If discussions wander too far from the original post, it may be an idea for a moderator / the original poster to pick up the new thread and post a new discussion.

3. I do feel that discussions often self regulate so that if someone posts something a little 'wild' then many others will leap in to defend/refute. However, I would suggest that people never write while feeling angry (or maybe write it in Notepad, leave it a few hours then go back and see if that's still what they want to say. )

4.The blog feature can be used effectively to let off steam (again prepare first and re read carefully before publishing!) and will still invite discussion. If it veers 'off the point' under a blog, well that is half the fun of a blog!

In the past few days, there has been a lot of contributions but often from the same people. Fair play to you, you keep the site ticking over but I'm wondering if others who post less would like to suggest what it is that is keeping them out of the conversations. Lack of interest in the topics? Feeling unwilling to expose themselves? Not happy with the way some people seem to dominate?

If this site is to serve you well , then you must let us know what is bugging you.
To borrow from the restaurant trade, if you enjoy the site tell your friends, if you don't, TELL US!

Tags for Forum Posts: etiquette, involvement

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I agree, the chat thing is potentially a problem but I think we should just "self-regulate", i.e. try to keep things relevant. The site being "active" is more important than us putting off other people posting.
This is an informal website where people do discuss issues, and as in real life it does tend to wander off now and then, I don't have a problem with that.

I think this site will keep gathering momentum, I tell new people on a daily basis and with the potential of flyers and possible advertising I think membership and contribution will increase. Lets not try an run before we can walk, it will take years for this site to become well known to most of the community.

Like other forums I frequent, there are the hardcore who post, but lurking in the background are people who read, not everyone wants to contribute but enjoys reading what's going on.

Maybe there are too many discussions started, people won't have an opinion about everything, I don't know ?
I agree with Birdy.. I mentioned before somewhere, that I think there are too many ongoing discussions.
Hugh says that a rolling chat page page is not possible on ning .. so I think we'll just have to be content with what we've got. :o(
Self regulation would definitely help and I hope that my thoughts on using comment page/blog and messaging might mean that the fun element would be maintained. The idea that there are too many discussions might be true and that people can't have an opinion on everything is also true BUT some people (guilty as charged) have an opinion on most things (and good for them, in touch, aware etc) and I wonder whether their names constantly appearing make people think 'oh off they go again' . You can delete yourself from the latest activity list which might help it look more balanced (look for red cross).
What concerns me are quotes like this taken from the site:

"...next time I think I'll remain a silent observer as it seems quite clear that my opinions on things (and this isn't the only thread I've felt this way about) differ quite markedly from those of a lot of people on here, so making comments opens me up to a lot of criticism."

"...some of the items that are discussed on here take a life of their own...."

"...One lady's husband says he can tell when she's been looking on here because she gets grumpy."

If people who are posting sometimes can feel this way, what are the thoughts of those that don't post at all?
Thanks for the "delete yourself from latest activity" hint. All my inane comments (this one included) will now be deleted. I wondered why I often did not see you on the updates.
FWIW, I am a loudmouth at work too and just asked 50% of the questions in a big meeting.
Okay John, but don't overdo it! We want the site to look active so leave some in :D I usually delete all but the last post to a discussion and usually if I leave a comment but never my blog comments because I'm very vain and want people to notice it.
When are you going to start blogging? Go on you know you want to... and you're right, Matt should think about it too. That way we can follow developments about the Falkland /Fairfax space better and any other projects for that matter. Minutes, comments about meetings, airing frustrations it would be really useful. The blog tool is widely used on a lot of sites but far too underused on this one.
Spot on Birdy.

And yes I know of other forums that are nationwide which went through the whole moderator thing for a while and decided in the end not to bother. People are very good at self-regulation or regulating each other. Is certainly takes a while to build up a site. This one is very young. Lets not over react and kill off the chat and sharing of info.

I'm not sure that what I'm advocating is 'killing' off the chat just suggesting that too much between too few people in the open forum look like cliqueyness. There is no harm in using each others comment walls and blogs to muck about and it is still open to anybody to see and join in. A little self deletion in the 'latest activity' list stops it looking like one person is dominating the list and some humour is always welcome especially if things are getting a little heated. It is simply that some topics veer way off and makes it look like we are not taking stuff seriously that might matter a great deal to those reading it. Over reacting is a little strong , Matt, I'm merely raising the idea that we should be aware of who might be reading and be a bit sensitive to how we come across, as what we write may not reflect who we really are. A casual remark in the pub raises a laugh with mates in a pub and is gone, written down it can take on a life of its own and reflect on you in ways you never even imagined. (and I learned that the 'hard way'!)
re. the 'cosy' and 'chattiness' concerns - I agree with John, activity is good.
Also, ning doesn't seem to let us see what posts are read (as opposed to written) so it is difficult to gauge the amount of interest in readers. Hugh might have more stats on this, but for occasional visitors to the site, it can be quite difficult to locate 'hot' topics and even if you do, you may be too late to contribute...

I'm wondering if others who post less would like to suggest what it is that is keeping them out of the conversations>>
At work!
I'm not saying to regular contributors don't post, I'm speculating on whether the nature of what we post may seem to others too cliquey. Activity under blogs would show up and keep the site active. Some people have said that there are too many topics, perhaps some things can be blogged.
Yes, of course people work, (not all idle housewives like me, just kidding, housewives of Harringay), The question remains, when people are reading, then what stops them writing/joining in?
Your point about 'hot topics' is a good one. If you are an occasional visitor, it is hard to see what has caused the most interest over a week as discussions slip down the list. Perhaps the active debates could be indicated in Hugh's weekly update somehow. I know there are a lot of visitors to the site but I don't know if you can tell what they read, maybe I'll ask him...

I really think some good points are being made here. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far. Come on, if you're reading this, don't be shy...join in :D
Regarding the weekly update; site members I know (who don't contribute) have been put off by the emphasis on 'Planning updates' as the number one issue listed within the weekly update.

It's quite difficult to read as well. Not sure how that could be dealt with. Different font, layout, use some colour? For most members this is their main contact with the site each week.
You might be right about putting the planning updates first. I'll take that on board.

As to the format, I agree, but I'm a bit stuck with it. All the architecture offers is a small text box and no html linking. I tried to send it out independently of the website last week and came a cropper with server relay limits. But I'm the first one to agree and have been trying to get Ning to upgrade their messaging facility for quite some time.



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