Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I think we should nominate this site for a Making the Difference award

The deadline is fast approaching and a few people have floated the idea that we should apply for some Making the difference money to support the website.

Hugh wrote recently in relation to this idea
If a nomination was made to support marketing, website fees (what's already being paid (not much) + extra so we can get rid of the ads) and possibly provision for an allowance for additional moderators that would be great for the site. But I think it would have to be clear that the money wouldb't be for me and would have to properly accounted for for specific things.

Empyrean Aisles noted:
I think this site would actually be an excellent contender for one of these awards. It's brought people from the same area together - I've had real and virtual conversations with people who I'd never have come into contact with had it not been running. I know it doesn't have the 'physical' (perhaps tangible is a better term) presence of something like a dog show or a mural, but in the 21st century this is one of the ways that people connect with each other and with the institutions in their community, and I think even in its first few months of running has shown the massive potential it has for good. (I'm thinking of the way it mobilised people into action against the applications for gambling licences but I'm sure there are other examples.)

Is there anyone reading this who has had experience of making a bid for money?
Do you think that if we popped in a bid using the above (EA, hope you don't mind me borrowing your words) that we could be successful or could you suggest a better angle?

I don't mind sticking my name on it but I think the collective brain of the 400 + members on this could be invaluable in putting the bid together...but we only have until 31st March.

Contributions please!

MTD group

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You can add my name too.
Thanks everyone.
The process appears to be filling in a very simple form on the back of a flyer. They ask for one contact name/address but I'll post here when we've finalised the proposal so you can see what we are going to put in and comment. Getting some figures from Hugh.
I think you need more than 1500 flyers as well, maybe 3-5000? If you leave 20 in each establishment, they'll soon get used, considering how many businesses in Harringay there are.
yes excellent idea

i think we should go for any money going. i have experience of writing bids .... but not all successful! but i think we have a good chance - real evidence of effectiveness, facts and figures etc. i think we need some money for advertising actually - at the moment its word of mouth. ought to be more open and inclusive.
Great idea. Almost tempted to suggest a leaflet to all residents but I know others feel strongly against these! But a flyer would be good - something big/attractive enough to be stuck up on boards as well as taken away.
A6 flyers in all of the cafés restaraunts, pubs, schools, nursuries, hair dressers, and even shops would certainly raise the profile of this site. Even a few A4/A3 posters wouldn't go amiss in some of the more popular places.

If it was promoted as a true community site, there shouldn't be a charge putting them in.
I think a flyer is a good idea - at least it's not offering greasy takeaway or dodgy clothing collections - it's information, and useful information too. I'll happily hand them out of need be, and I'll even close people's gates when I'm done!
Yes, I'd be up for leafletting ('postcarding'?) a road if I'm given a bundle.
Likewise, if I'm given a bundle, I'll do Sydney Road.
I wonder if you would help me with an experiment. I have started a short term group based around this bid. By becoming a member you would be agreeing to help out and share knowledge and we can keep a better record of who wishes to do what, as these posts tend to slip off the radar and get lost in the big virtual cellar.
If you would like to join click above on the link.
Thank you B2, anyone else?
More about the Making the Difference Group
Initially joining is simply to show support and, if you want to , pledge some sort of help. I guess by starting the group, I am sort of like the 'secretary' and will do the donkey work and you will get updates via the message function of a group. Hugh is , I hope going to crunch some numbers for me. Advice on the wording of the proposal would be helpful, especially if you've ever filled one of those form in before
If the bid fails, then we delete the group
If the bid succeeds, then it will be a place to update people on how the money is being spent and, if need be, ask for help with various things.

Finally, I referred to 'an experiment' above. Perhaps i should explain that we are having a go at using the group function as a way of piloting the idea of an action group
I explained in another Forum post
Where a post becomes particularly active and lots of people begin to ask for action, a group is formed (using the groups function of course). This group may be very short term..'Help get HOL some money' or long term 'Campaign for decent housing action group' / 'Friends of Harringay passage' etc. Aims would be agreed, targets for action set and information/opinions shared. There should be real life meetings but with an understanding that not everyone can attend. Communications from the group are signed by all members of the group and it is understood when you join the group, it is assumed that you are happy for this to happen. You may leave if you are not happy or ask for your name to be removed from something you are not happy with. The group is easily identified and posts are stored/accessed without a long search. The same issues do not clog up the main forum.
and I owe the idea to John McMullan who got me thinking about this. Of course the MTD group is nowhere near as ambitious as some of the stuff I've outlined above, but that's what I was referring to when I talked of an experiment.



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