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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Herbert and Cloenie Walcott are the latest customers for Haringey’s community
alarm / telecare service


Haringey Council’s Community Alarm Service (CAS) has signed up its  this week as the council prepares to invest £200,000 in the life-saving service during the coming year.

Clients can choose from trip / fall sensors, medication dispensers, networked smoke alarms and carbon-monoxide detectors, to name just some of the gadgets available to promote independence and peace of mind.

Since their introduction over 30 years ago remote alert systems have provided security and reassurance, particularly to people who live alone. The service consists of various sensors around the home linked to a central unit and monitored by a response centre.

Councillor Dilek Dogus, cabinet member for health and adult services, said: “The service is now a critical part of our social care package. Installing sensors makes people feel more confident and having an alarm button means they are never alone. Our service reduces 999 calls, avoids unnecessary hospital admissions and allows people to get home from hospital earlier into a safe environment.”

The original analogue systems were activated by a pull-cord. Today in Haringey the service is high-tech, wireless and feeds into a recently modernised digital control room with access to clients files and background information in an instant.

There are two levels of support. ‘Monitoring and Response’ offers a full response service targeted at frail, vulnerable people. An emergency response officer will react to any emergency call around the clock.

‘Monitoring Only’ provides a community alarm, pendant and call monitoring. The operator will contact nominated key holders or next of kin who are listed to respond to emergency calls.

The service also provides networked:

carbon monoxide sensors
temperature extremes sensor
bogus caller button
fall detectors
medication dispensers
door exit sensors
epilepsy sensors

vibrating pager and pillow alert
mobile alarm (for lone workers or clients without landlines)

For more information and to register for an assessment visit www.haringey.gov.uk/communityalarm or telephone 020 8489 2365.


(This article is a press release from Haringey Council)



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