Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just a reminder that Harringay is now a part of the new Hornsey and Friern Barnet constituency. Catherine West our Labour candidate had been MP for the previous constiuency for the past 9 years. Over the last year Catherine has spent a lot of time in Harringay ward and will be out and about here over the next few weeks. Say hello if you see her, she's really friendly and likes nothing better than engaging with voters.

If you would like any information about the campaign message me via HOL. If you would like to show your support for Catherine and a change of government why not put up a poster of a garden stake. Both are free, just contact me and I'll arrange delivery.

Phil Markham - Harringay Labour Branch Secretary

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Many thanks Gordon.

Anonymous Bosch's words suggest he or she has spent a bit too much time at certain protests or is simply ill-informed. I do hope it's the latter and that this particular Dutch painter is not aligned with the less capable Austrian brush stroker.

It’s also the view of The Times of Israel that Netanyahu and others on the right of politics in Israel supported Hamas in order to undermined the Palestinian Authority..


Absolutely disgusting on your part to attempt to discredit me by 

a) calling me misinformed


b) casting aspersions that I'm sympathetic to he who shall not be named

This simply demonstrates that you have no legitimate response to the points i have made - play the ball, not the man!

I was amused by your original unedited post accusing people of casting 'asperations' on you.

Yeah. That's why i amended it

I'd hate to give people the ammunition to attack the man and not the ball - i hope you're not trying to do that by highlighting an autospell error. That would be an awfully shabby trick, eh Gordy old chap?

Let's see if Esther Cohen wants to address my points

Not at all AB. It was just funny.

Dear  Mr or Ms Bosch,
Like me you seem to be trying to have a grown-up dialogue about the War in Gaza and on the West Bank. That's a respectful and potentially useful way to proceed.

But can I suggest that you don't respond to your critics bait.
Instead please reconsider the time spent replying to HoL members who think it's "funny" when other members reply to serious points with amusement at some slight mistakes. Also by belittling you and name calling.

It may be that the main reason the Pro-Israel lobby are upset or even angry, is that they realise the far right-Israeli  government is losing the argument. That hundreds of thousands of fair-minded people in many countries went beyond their initial horror from 7 October 2023.

Now people have had time to build a more informed view. A view that also integrates the further horrors meted out to all the residents of Gaza - a large proportion of whom are women and children.
Reports have since sped round the entire world, showing the piling-up of evils and horrors from the collective punishments inflicted by the genocidal Israeli rulers over the past nine months.

Why have some pro-IsraeI minds here in the UK apparently become closed ?

There's a wonderful Israeli journalist named Amira Hass. Last month in a visit to New Yprk she offered a possible explanation why many ordinary Israelis may now prefer to shut their minds to the genocide inflicted on Gazans.
I will look up the video - check the current link and post it here later.

So what point are you aspiring to make?

Anyone talking about "resetting to 7 Oct" is beyond the pale. It basically implies that something happened before then to justify Hamas' unprovoked massacre of innocent men, women and children, rape and hostage taking which occured on that date. Nothing justified that! Nothing!

Hamas' plans were meticulous and long in the making. I ask why then did they not attack an army patrol or base instead of a music festival? They deliberately sought out innocent and mostly defenceless people to torture and murder solely because they were Israelis.

Okay then, let's reset to October 6th, or 5th ... hey, let's go all the way back to 1947

There is a historic injustice which is being perpetrated by the State of Israel and exacerbated by the current Israeli government on the people of Palestine/gaza - a state of affairs that whilst never justyfying Hamas' attack on innocent Israelis does explain it.

Until there is a just peace there will remain unfortunately, a state of conflict.

And for the record, Hamas did attack the IDF when breaching the border - a border left deliberately undermanned by Netanyahu to the extent there were merely 1500 soldiers to man a 30 mile border.

It has also been widely reported that Israeli intelligence were aware of the imminence and nature of the forthcoming attack and sat on their hands.

When this is over, the public inquiry by Israel will be so damning that prison will be the safest place for Netanyahu 

Mr/Ms "Bosch"

I find it frustrating that you try to engage with and refute the pro-Israel propagandists on this site without the minimum respect for how truth might be tested, established and supported.
(Please don't follow their useless example.)

It's especially frustrating to me on those areas where you and I seem to be largely in agreement on what are solid evidenced facts; and what is likely to be wholly or partially mistaken; or outright propaganda; or simply lies.

I'm fortunate that I can post my name here without having a job to lose. Maybe you're not in this happy position?

Mr Starmer and his right-wing pals cannot suspend me from the Labour Party as they had already done this. (For the made-up comical crime of "liking" a trope criticising a Jewish man. Namely a painting of Karl Marx.)

I'm also fortunate that I can still afford and have time to read books - or these days ebooks. So I can say where my evidence comes from.

I hope you realise that something being "widely reported"  provides no guarantee of accuracy or truthfulness.

And "for the record" I hope you know that chances are slender of Mr Netanyahu surrendering to the Hague Tribunal any time soon.

Thank you, JamesN for doing the work for me and others to quickly access the detailed text of Labour's Parliamentary Motion - apparently dating from 15 November 2023, signed by Shadow Ministers including David Lammy MP and Catherine West MP.

My reading of the wording is that this motion did NOT call for a ceasefire - as you say.  But I do not see that Catherine "abstained" from Labour's motion as you allege.  I am far from as nimble-witted as I once was so by all means correct me.
Her tweet referred to "Labour’s motion setting out a path to an enduring cessation of fighting and a two-state road to peace." The wording of the motion is referred to on her own website; together with added comments by Catherine herself giving her views - including why she does did not vote for an immediate ceasefire.

Personally I would have preferred to see all members of Parliament vote for an immediate Ceasefire. 
But I can also understand why many MPs would have wanted to support the new Principle-free Prime Minister who appears to be a Zionist when it suit his purposes.

I strongly imagine that Catherine West's priority  is to stop the killing, maiming, and destruction.

The attempted Genocide of the civilians of Gaza is now plain to half the world.

If only it were so. However it's recently been revealed that Catherine West, like David Lammy is a supporter of Labour Friends of Israel, an organisation devoted to promoting the interests of Israel, regardless of its genocide, apartheid and recent barbaric act of slaughtering 400 people in Rafah. When I revealed this on her Facebook page, she bravely blocked me..



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