Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

According to the Right to Roam campaign:

For a thousand years, trespass has been a civil offence – but now the Government is proposing to make trespass a criminal offence: a crime against the state. Doing so could:

  • Criminalise ramblers who stray even slightly from the path;
  • Remove the ability of local residents to establish new rights of way;
  • Criminalise wild camping, denying hikers a night under the stars;
  • Clamp down on peaceful protest, a fundamental right and essential part of our democracy

This is urgent. Our parliamentary petition opposing the criminalisation of trespass now has over 90,000 signatures. But to guarantee MPs debate it in Parliament, we need to reach 100,000 signatures - and the deadline is 5th September.

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It's mainly to curtail illegal traveller pitching, but may also include abusive behaviour at legitimate field sports activities by saboteurs (on the fourth point).

Here we go.....



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