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One of the issues raised about transport on Wightman Road is the safety of the "islands":

The islands make it safer for pedestrians to cross and are supposed to slow down motor vehicles, but they feel very unsafe for cyclists who can get squeezed into the kerb by inconsiderate drivers.

I noticed this road design near Arsenal tube recently:

This seems to retains the safety for pedestrians (the width of road they have to cross is the same as with the islands), but makes it much safe for cyclists too - they have a segregated mini-lane. It would also be much more effective at slowing down motor vehicles - in fact would probably need some sort of "give-way to oncoming traffic" arrangement to ensure which lane knows it should stop.

Here's another example from Hornsey Lane (B540):

(All photos from google streetview)

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or this example from the junction of Highgate rd & Chetwynd rd.  The metal pinch-point restricts speed and the progress of over-weight vehicles while the cycle lane (right) preserves space for cyclists.  Admittedly this solution doesn’t help pedestrians, but it could be useful if used with a plethora of other measures

WOLVES LANE!!!!!!!!!!

Not any more: the 'Give Way' zig-zag width restrictors were recently replaced by full-width sinusoidal humps.

Oh! Sorry. I haven't been up that way in a while.
I still think the width restiction with sequential contaflow would be the answer for Wightman tho.
The trouble with that is that it's still poor for cyclists. Cyclists should be cycling in the middle of the lane, not the left. They shouldn't be encouraged to meekly squash themselves into the left hand gutter. The current road layout is fine because a cyclist should be in the middle of that lane and there is therefore no chance a driver would even consider overtaking them.

Either that or make Wightman road entirely one way for motor vehicles and install a proper, fully segregated cycle route like the many in the borough of Camden, AND have space for better on street parking and therefore nicer pavements!

Cycle provision needs much bolder planning!
Can I disagree with that? I hate cycle lanes, they're dangerous in my opinion and I never use them. They also lead to an idea that cyclists are some how different from car drivers - we are ALL traffic and should be viewed as such. Slowing traffic (including bikes) should be what we are aiming at.
Some of the younger uber cyclists that use the cyclelanes and superhighways are worse then car drivers and I've seen others forced over to make way for them. We are all taught how to make an overtaking maneuver wether in a car or on a bike.

You are right however Regarding road positioning.
For me, the safest place on the road is right in front of the car behind.

The current road layout is fine because a cyclist should be in the middle of that lane and there is therefore no chance a driver would even consider overtaking them.

I assume you've never ridden along Wightman Road. Being in primary in no way stops cars trying to overtake, seeing the island coming up (or cars on the other side of the road) and swinging back in on you.

It's a terrible road to ride on. I'd be tempted to go for something like Drayton Park. Cycle lanes spaced out from the parking zone and the centre line removed so cars have to slow their speed to negotiate those in the opposite direction. (Although it may just end up with cars speeding through the cycle lanes).


I have ridden there. I'm just not sure what the solution is - lots of cycle lane solutions squeeze the cyclists on to the left hand side and then drivers feel that they have the opportunity to perform very near passes. Also, I dislike cycle paths that encourage you to go right net to parked cars. I've nearly been taken out by people opening their car doors - or I would have been had I not been more central in the lane.

The trouble with that is that it's still poor for cyclists. Cyclists should be cycling in the middle of the lane, not the left. They shouldn't be encouraged to meekly squash themselves into the left hand gutter. The current road layout is fine because a cyclist should be in the middle of that lane and there is therefore no chance a driver would even consider overtaking them.

Either that or make Wightman road entirely one way for motor vehicles and install a proper, fully segregated cycle route like the many in the borough of Camden, AND have space for better on street parking and therefore nicer pavements!

Cycle provision needs much bolder planning!

I don't think the current layout is fine Eric, it's awful for all transport modes. Cyclists find Wightman Road as the most threatening leg of their journey. Drivers get frustrated when stuck behind a cyclist and then tempted to speed up dangerously inbetween the "chicanes". Pedestrians have to battle against pavement parking and badly maintained pavements. God help you if you're in a wheelchair or mobility scooter.

I agree that a one-way system would be much better, with fully segregated cycle lane, and angled parking on just one side of Wightman. But I don't know if the road is quite wide enough for all three things though?

I cycle along Gilespie road each day, and unfortunately that layout doesn't work, as cars park right up to the speed bumps, so you can't use the side lanes, other than the one right by Arsenal station.
Plus the side lanes are so narrow I'm not sure they're even intended to bikes.

They're not, unless they're marked for bikes. The third picture in JoeW's original post illustrates this: all traffic inc. bikes is signed to bear right of the channel, which is only there for rainwater to drain away.



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