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A final reminder - tomorrow's the day........

Tags for Forum Posts: traffic, wightman bridge, wightman bridge closure

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Gosh that was quick. Can you support that statement? After all, the letter states that the department of transport is looking forward to faster improved transport links which includes  the building of a new Western platform in Finsbury Park in 2018 and HS2 wouldn't have anything to do with this venture?

Yes I can support that statement - see below. And no, HS2 wouldn't have anything to do with that venture at Finsbury Park.  

HS2  is the 'London*-to-Birmingham/The North (choose your venues)' venture.

["Starting from Euston, best guess. Definitely not Kings Cross]

Crossrail2 [CS2] may come our local way eventually, but that's a different and much less certain project.

eventually is already underway...


Whats this?

This phase of Crossrail hasn't had parliamentary approval yet. They are still at the stage where they haven't even agreed the route. If it ever happens you won't see a single spade going into the ground for years.

This is solely about the removal and rebuilding of a road bridge that runs over the railway line so, in response to another question in one of the threads, it can't be done at night. Once a bridge has gone, it's gone 24 hours a day!

More to do with chaos theory. The cars are the atoms, the people the electrical charge.

Well the chaos part has certainly been achieved par excellance! As for the physics of the matter the study has commenced. 

Interesting -

One of the big grey blocks across Wightman at the Hampden Rd junction has been turned through 90 deg and there is now room for cars to pass through. Which, of course, they are doing.

Possibly not too difficult to do with two strong lads, since it's only a 1-metre-long block as discussed/photographed above somewhere (intended to have been bigger), and as is well known the acute camber on local roads means there's a handy pivot point on which the concrete block rests.... 

Checking further, vehicles are turning into Wightman from Turnpike Lane and Hornsey Park Road.

Frobisher is going to be busy tomorrow morning.

Which is hardly surprising. Because this undertaking is a complete shambles imho. Which makes it dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists and even drivers. 

i'm amazed at the certainty of tone of some people on this thread. council traffic planners, who one imagines have a certain degree of expertise in the field, have spent months planning this project, yet with the diversion in place for just 12 hours, some people seem to know with absolute certainty that the project is a failure, that traffic will not disperse and that there will be deaths so on and so forth. where are these omniscients when the world's really knotty problems are set before us?



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