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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Ending of Haringey Daily Visitor Permits to increase daily visitor parking charge by 164%

A parking review consultation run quietly at the start of the year seems to have been so little publicised that it attracted just 42 responses (augmented with another 58 garnered by phone).

The change it included that residents may feel most keenly is the abolition of daily visitor permits.

Currently Haringey's website gives the following prices for visitor permits:

Standard daily visitor permits are £5 and hourly are £1.20. 

The "Parking Strategy and Policy/Charges Review, Appendix D: Updated parking permit policy / charges" shares the expectation that residents will henceforth be expected to make up a day's parking permit with hourly permits. For the Ladder where the CPZ runs from 08:00 to 18:30, this will require eleven hourly permits to make up a full day. If the hourly charge remains at £1.20, this will mean a total daily cost of £13.20, an increase of a mere 164%. The cutting below is extracted from that Appendix.

It's not clear to me why hourly permits should be less open to abuse than daily ones, but I'm all ears.  If the primary motivation for this change was indeed to counter permit abuse, one would have thought it a fairly easy matter to protect residents from the affects of standing up to the abuse by simply putting a cap on daily charges like London Transport do. As far as I can make out, this hasn't happened.

At section 4.1 of the background papers (attached below), the Council has gone to the trouble of benchmarking the cost of daily business visitor permits. That's helpful. They looked at Camden, Islington, Ealing, Greenwich and Waltham Forest.

For some reason, no benchmarking was done on the cost of daily resident visitor parking costs. I've done my best to fill that gap. I've used the same boroughs and added Hackney since that was a missing neighbouring borough.

The current cost for a visitor to park in CPZ of those six boroughs for a day are as follows.

Camden: £8.79

Islington: £7.20 - £8.00 (on my calculationat £0.90 and £1.00 per hour)) discounted to £2.80 for 60+

Greenwich: Tradesmen £18.50 per week, and £9 per 10 vouchers (no information on time period validity)

Waltham Forest: £8.00 (at £1.00 per hour)

Hackney: £5.30.......................

...................vs Haringey: £13.20

....unless of course I'm misunderstanding Haringey's policy - only too happy to be set straight. 

As part of the review, an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) was run. As a part of that assessment, equality as it relates to socio-economic status was considered. In the case of the daily parking permits, the situation roughly divides the east of the borough, with all its indicators of deprivation, from the much wealthier west. In the west, two-hour CPZ predominate: in the east >8 hour zones are the rule. The shift from daily to hourly permits will barely affect the west of the borough, whereas it will have a significant impact on the east. The only outcomes noted under the socio-economic section of the EIA are "Positive", "Positive" and ... er ... "Positive". The unequal nature of the daily parking charge was not even considered. So the EIA as it relates to socio-economic status is badly flawed.

The change was part of a wider Parking strategy review that was passed by the Council last week. The recommendations of the review were adopted without dissent (see minute 48:30 of meeting on YouTube).

This change is unlikely to affect me personally but I fear that it may have an impact on some who are not in a strong position to absorb the increased charges. 

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i was just about post that too, i hope some can pin this or update the tread head... everyone needs to say no... we did defeat wg cpz changes after all.

Interesting to see that in the summary of changes, they have excluded any mention of the cap on resident visitor permits, while they do include this for the new business visitor permits.

They are also allowing a higher cap on visitor permits for businesses than residents which - as business visitor permits are priced higher than resident permits - I suppose they see as a better revenue generator.

So according to the latest council B**l*cks the change is "There was an error in the previous Traffic Management Order (TMO) regarding the limit on paper visitor permits" - NO - there was no limit on paper visitor permits there was a limit on ALL visitor permits.  This is disgraceful - since the original proposals were made and strenuously objected to Haringey knew that we would be carefully looking at their proposals and yet they still include this nonsense and try to claim it is something else.  Why, oh why, whenever there is an election do the people in our borough vote for this???  They prove themselves to be incompetent at every turn and yet they still get elected...

Hi everyone, 

As some residents have already pointed out above, the consultation on this potential policy change was launched today and is available here: Have your say on our proposed parking policy changes | Haringey Cou...

The deadline to respond to the consultation is 20 November 2024. As a reminder, Cllr Brabazon and I have been told that this consultation is the main avenue to influence whether the proposal to remove daily parking permits is adopted. We have been given strong assurances that the views expressed by residents in this consultation will be carefully considered before any policy decision is taken. 

I will be submitting a response to this consultation and encourage all residents who have strong views on this proposal to do the same. 

Warm regards, 

Cllr Anna Abela

Hi Gordon, 

I plan to oppose the proposal in my consultation response, on the basis of the concerns that Harringay residents have raised with me over the past few months. 



Hi all

I've created a Google doc as a ready reference for talking points that everyone can refer to and tweak to taste for including with their own responses to the consultation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_-A2CMoRj6WVe2XR9V91BQ2Q_0AOzHy...

I've done this in good faith and with no political agenda, and would request others to engage in the same spirit.

My objections are attached, and i have also attached the analysis i have shared previously if the significant financial impact this will have on the poorest areas of the borough.



Hi Caitlin

Just wanted to say thanks again for your analysis and your submission. I ended up using it as the basis for my own representation with only a few tweaks.

You are very welcome, glad it was helpful :)

Hi Shar - just cheking, did you also add questions to the google sheet? If so, you also need to email them to: "making.your.voice.heard@haringey.gov.uk, and make sure to include your name, addess & which member of the council the question is addressed to.

Worried my previous instructiosn were not clear :)

Hi all,

Is anyone here a lawyer/barrister/solictor, or know one, who could provide a quote for drafting a legal opinion on issues with the parking proposal & form a view on ways of challenging it?

Or if they would like to work pro-bono for the good of the people/eternal glory, that would also be amazing :)

The residents association around Braemar Ave has been intensely studying this and they have legal people. They recently twice managed to fight off a development application centred around a local church hall. I could ask my friend there if you like....❤️ 



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