I had an email today suggesting a slight change to the wording ofHoL's email notification emails.
I have a suggestion about HOL discussion update emails. As you know the subject line starts with the name of the person, e.g. 'Chris replied to the discussion "XYZ" on Harringay Online'.
What happens is that each reply gets treated by email software as a separate thread grouped by the poster's name rather than being grouped by discussion. Obviously one needs to visit the website to actually read the fresh reply but I wonder if some people are being put off by the clutter.
My suggestion is that if the subject only said "There's a new reply on the discussion "XYZ" on Harringay Online", the emails in everyone's inbox would be nicely grouped by discussion though at the cost of the poster's name in the subject line.
My first reaction to it was 'great idea'! Then I checked out the technical aspects of it and it is possible. However I started wondering if it would be a shame to lose the name of comment author. (I checked and although the name is also provided in the body of the email, it is generated by the same piece of code. So losing it in the Email header wold also mean losing it in the body of the email).
Any thoughts?
Tags (All lower case. Use " " for multiple word tags):
Why can a reply not look like: "DISCUSSION SUBJECT" on Harringay online- XXX Replied.
That way you retained the name of the responder too? Not sure if the functionality exists but this looks to me to be moving the same words around...
That's possible, but I don't think it'd get round the issue pointed out above.
I do not understand (am I being thick?). If you do it the way I propose you retain the name of the person replying???
So, for example, what I just received notifying my of your reply Hugh was:
Hugh replied to their discussion "Reply Notification Emails from HoL" on Harringay online
This will become:
"Reply Notification Emails from HoL" on Harringay online- Hugh Replied
I think what most email clients do is only to group emails with the exact same headers.
Whilst your suggestion puts the focus on the discussion title rather than the comment author for a human; a machine it will just see a different title as soon as the name of the person who replied changes. So
'Reply Notification Emails from HoL" on Harringay online- Hugh Replied'
won't get grouped with
'Reply Notification Emails from HoL" on Harringay online- Justin Replied'.
Sorry, understood now. I was looking at it as though you had the emails presented in alphabetical order, not actually sorted by groups...
I suggest something similar to Justin's:
HoL discussion "Reply Notification Emails from HoL" - Hugh replied
It wouldn't solve the grouping problem but I don't tend to use that. My proposal would make it easy to sort alphabetically.
I use a gmail filter to put all mine in a folder so it's no big deal (but then again I don't get that many that often). I did ask for a different enhancement once before though and things may have changed.
It's this: some forums include the text of the post along with the email notification it happened, so that would translate to something like:
Subject: "There's a new reply on the discussion "XYZ" on Harringay Online",
Body: On DDD nnth of MMM at hh:mm:ss, Hugh posted: That's possible, but I don't think it'd get round the issue pointed out above.
Then I'd know whether it was informational etc. Is that still not possible with ning?
I note some tweeters following yesterday's votes in their lordships' house are again threatening to scrap HoL. Seems to me that the current discussion will only add fuel to the fire. The Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg and others have got up a motion which may well find allies in Messrs Justin Guest, JoeW and Chris Setz: "HoL is a place of patronage where unelected and unaccountable individuals hold a disproportionate amount of influence and power which can be used to frustrate the expressed wishes of the People and of their elected representatives." Caveat Moderator!
Everyone ought to quote the Guardian at least once during Mayday: "John Stuart Mill argued for a voting system that granted varying numbers of votes to different classes of people depending on what jobs they did. Professionals and other highly educated individuals would get six or more votes each; farmers and traders would get three or four; skilled labourers would get two; unskilled labourers would get one. Mill also pushed hard for women to get the vote, at a time when that was a deeply unfashionable view. He did not do this because he thought women were the equals of men. It was because he thought some women, especially the better educated, were superior to most men. Mill was a big fan of discrimination, so long as it was on the right grounds."
I see what you did there!
Evidence of OAEs can be found in Cretaceous marine sediments, including characteristic organic-rich sediments (“black shale”), carbon-isotope excursions, major marine faunal turnover, etc. OAEs are consequences of a set of complicated feedbacks operating both in the ocean and on land, and represent major perturbations in the carbon cycle. Investigating the causes of OAEs can offer insights into how different components of the Earth system interact with each other during periods of major climatic and environmental changes."
And indeed, JoeW, I have emerged unscathed from a few interesting oceanic anoxic events in my day before performing in the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment.
I always wonder what people mean when they post: "Did you see what I did?"; or "I see what you did there".
Lacking access to CCTV cameras in their homes or on the street, I never have the slightest idea what anyone is doing. Scratching their ear? Successfully levitating the neighbour's cat?
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