Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Within the context of a story on the 'restaurantisation' of London's high streets, the Evening Standard has picked up on the story of the planning application by the new restaurant on Green Lanes.

They want to take a photo of a group of objectors for inclusion in the piece and are asking for local people who objected to take part.

Reporter Natasha Salmon and an ES photographer will be at the Bottom of Pemberton Road this evening at 7PM and have requested as many people as possible to make their way there. Look for someone with a camera!

You can contact Natasha on natashasalmon@gmail.com.

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Fake news ?

This just in as a text message from the reporter:

Hi Hugh so sorry to message at short notice. I have had to go out on another job this evening and our photographer has got tied up somewhere else. We won't be able to make t along to take the picture after all. If people do attend could someone take a picture on their phone with the restaurant in the back ground? It is definitely appearing in the newspaper tomorrow. Thanks for all your help, apologies again Natasha

Pretty unprofessional. Apologies to anyone who went along

Not very long ago, the Standard would have had a list of freelances they could call to step in and take the necessary photos, with their - what's those things called? - camera. Reliable, knows how to make a crowd look not like a football team, has the right gear.  Knows how to keep verticals, vertical.

May even be in the appropriate union.

Now it's, please do something with your phone.  We won't pay you but you may get a  photo in the paper, probably without even a byline.  We're not that bothered about the quality, if it's a bit wobbly no-one will notice on a tiny phone screen.

Does Osborne turn up to work (in this one of his eight jobs) for free? 

It's also pretty unprofessional for a journalist to incite people to attend what will be presented as a spontaneous demonstration. Leave that to the North Koreans.

Evening Standard article here.
The journalist picked up names and addresses of people to inteview by going through the objectors letters on the Haringey planning page (at least that's how she ended up on my doorstep).

Not sure about your quote, but mine's not quite right. I didn't wistfully dream of past glories of the high street. I was asked what shops I wanted in place of more restaurants and I referred her to what others had said online. Still, there have been worse misrepresentations, I guess.

I think that some of the things credited to you I said and some of the stuff credited to me I didn't say, but ce la vie.
The other bit is accurate. So sounds like we're singing from the same hymn sheet.
.....any road up, looks like it's been corrected now.

Only online: the West End Final Extra, page 19, still has you saying "We used to have a fish shop, a book shop, a stationers but they are all gone.  I do use.....  all there is".

Oh, and the online comments are troll central, sigh.

Though that's partially true. There was a fish shop, a stationer, an Italian deli, a wallpaper/paint place, some shoe shops, a knitting shop, a gay nightclub and a few men's clothes shops when we first moved here.
It's a shame they don't mention the councillor and traders association couldn't give a toss about the restaurant operating illegally.



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