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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Adam's Comments

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At 17:43 on February 11, 2022, Michael Walsh said…

Hi Adam, It’s Michael (better known as Tara’s Dad). I’m interested in suppporting the Fairlands spend. Tara has been developing girls football coaching in the area and also think astro would be good but probably beyond the amount. Can you include me via email: The walsh1234@hotmail.com or 07711996123

At 10:56 on April 3, 2011, Protheroe O'Shea said…

HI Adam,


Just to let you know we cannot come for a tree so feel free to pass mine on



At 15:57 on March 25, 2011, sophie hautefeuille said…

hello Adam,


No i didn't get your message it seems... i am a bit confused with the message inbox but thanx for your time anyway.

R u on Lausanne road then?

Have a great week end,



At 22:11 on March 23, 2011, Shaheeda said…
Thanks Adam. I learned to ride using the same scheme so will go back to them but firstly need to get a better bike than I have currently have.
At 9:52 on November 24, 2010, Rebecca said…
Hi Adam,

Thanks for the cleaner contact, do you have any idea what Olga charges per hour?
At 14:51 on November 23, 2010, empyrean_aisles said…
Hi Adam, thanks for the article. It still surprises me how people react to it - cycling is *easier* than walking and certainly more pleasant than being on the tube or the bus. And I'm going so slowly that I barely break a sweat. My colleagues at work were scandalised that I was still cycling at six months, and then they just learnt to bite their tongues when the bike & I were still coming in at seven months, eight months, etc ...
Anyway, hope to see you soon - probably next time we will be able to introduce you to the newcomer!
At 20:46 on October 28, 2010, Sue said…
Hi Adam - Sorry but when I accepted you as a contact Olga's number disappeared in the process!!! Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. It would be great if you could send it through to me again - my e-mail is corbettsusan@hotmail.com, Thanks a lot, Sue
At 16:37 on October 28, 2010, Sue said…
Thanks Adam, much appreciated, I will contact Olga tonight,

At 23:00 on April 22, 2010, Wendy Woods said…
Hi Adam,
Should have asked before... I'm meeting Olga tomorrow at noon and wanted to get an idea of what she charges. Obviously she's at liberty to demand whatever she wants but would be good to know in advance of meeting her. (She sounds lovely by the way so thanks for the intro!). Wendy.
At 16:08 on April 21, 2010, Wendy Woods said…
Adam, thanks for your swift response. Much appreciated. I am probably responding in the wrote place but am bit of a technophobe!! Best wishes, Wendy.
At 15:29 on December 10, 2009, Jo W said…
hello Adam,
thanks for the message - i've been rushed off my feet so not had time to call yet, but will try you tomorrow morning if i can. i am imminently expecting a baby - literally any second now - so if i don't call that will be why.
all the best,
At 10:27 on April 15, 2009, Danzigger said…
Hi Adam

yeah - a friend of a friend is a solicitor and has taken the case on a no-win-no-fee basis. He's very confident we\lll get an out of court settlement. Finally tracked down the policeman who helped at the scene, and have my witness details. So the case seems to be progressing smoothly, and I'm on the mend and back on my bike. Thanks for you help

At 13:42 on April 2, 2009, folko ono said…
Hi Adam!

I live on Fairfax Road - though used to live on Wightman, opposite Mattison Road. Didn't stray too far, heh :)

At 23:00 on March 20, 2009, Danzigger said…
Hi Adam
I've been told that you might have some good advice regarding a bike accident I had. I need to take some legal action against a driver who hit me.
Any help greatly appreciated
At 9:42 on March 2, 2009, Sapphireblue said…
Local Chat/Who says we are not in the Gardens? Don't leave us out in the cold!
At 8:23 on March 2, 2009, Sapphireblue said…
ok so do you stilll need me to explain the gay joke thing?
At 15:58 on September 23, 2008, Alison P said…
Hi Adam, was after some cycle advice.

I was wondering whether you knew who I could best contact about the recent fatality on Holloway Road (at the bike crossing between Madras Place and Fieldway Cres)? Don't know if you know about it - a woman died crossing it on a bike last week, I think was a collision involving a cement truck that lurched forward.

Anyway, is a route I use to get to work and I've always had some worries about it; I'd really like to write to someone and express my views, but I have no idea who to contact. Is it up to Islingon Council? Or the Highways Agency? Or would I be better off going via someone like the LCC? Any advice very welcome.
At 20:12 on September 9, 2008, Liz said…
Couldn't have a 24 hours in Harringay album without shots inside our fine pubs. Thanks for the photos Adam!
At 13:53 on May 30, 2008, RuthE said…
Thanks Adam, personally I'd prefer the Tuesday (10 June) but if majority prefer the sunday its no problem.
At 12:42 on May 29, 2008, RuthE said…
Hi Adam I was just wondering what date was set for the next party in the park meeting. I know you did say but I cant remember.


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