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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Recognise any of these faces? Scouts, and guides were held in hall behind Harringay Congregational Church, Allison Road hall, 1960s.

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Comment by L F T Snowflake on February 1, 2011 at 22:07
I'd say - as a Scout Leader for 30 years - this is around 1968. The Advanced Party Report which paved the way for the uniform shown in the photographs. I wonder, how many of these Scouts used to camp at Tolmers?
Comment by David Rogers on February 1, 2011 at 22:30
Hi Reggie,about right with date 67/68.. the one on the left is me.. we didn't go to Tolmers much,did lots of sponsored hikes, around Bayford and Cuffley, used to get in a Transit van and go to places in the Lake district in those days,Scafell Pike etc, knackering, don't think they'd let you do it now days health and safety...
Comment by L F T Snowflake on February 1, 2011 at 22:47

Health and Safety, tell me about it! I used to do a survival camp with my Scouts in mid-December in just the clothes they stood up in. Took kids as young as ten on those camps. They were by far and away the most popular camps we did all year.


Try doing such camps now and the health and safety and the 'child protection' squads would be down on you like a ton of the proverbial bricks! 


Funny though! Those kids I took away then are now military officers running special forces units or in one case, owning a hotel in Wales offering the kind of adventures - at great cost - I used to give them for about a fiver for a weekend. 


I must have done something right! I greet you well! 




Veggie Reggie



Comment by Liz on February 1, 2011 at 23:53
Hi, have you seen this post in the History of Harringay group about scout and guide groups in the area? Be glad to have more of your memories added to it.
Comment by David Rogers on February 2, 2011 at 20:02
I'll try to sort out my photos of Fairfax road and 77th scouts/ cubs, if I can get up in my old mums loft over the weekend..
Comment by John Shulver on September 3, 2020 at 17:34

I used to attend The Cubs there probably mid to late 50's but ducked out of Scouts.

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