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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

This area in Harringay used to flood regularly when the culverted Stonebridge Brook used to overflow.

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Albums: Historical Images of Harringay from 1885 - 1918 | 2 of 3 (F)

Comment by John Shulver on May 9, 2020 at 13:41

I remember very well our section of Harringay Road, just before junction with Colina, flooding probably 4 times in 50s/60s.    So not a new scenario.........!

Comment by John Shulver on November 22, 2022 at 18:43

Ah yes........looking back at this pic I realise it is viewed from Harringay Road looking towards Green Lanes ( Alison Road being just to the left).  The wall on right hand is Scruffy Ada's house, front door being in Harringay Road.  Rear of the house backed directly onto Colina Mews, known to us as 'The Lucky' - never knew why.  Behind the man was The Oakwood Laundry site running up to Green Lanes which was allowed to grow wild as well as being coal dump to fuel the laundry boilers.  Also within that site, known to us as 'the coals', was a large air raid shelter. The Lucky and coals was our playground paradise during my youth of 1950/62.  Wonderful memories. Mum and Dad worked at that laundry at some time.

Comment by Hugh on November 23, 2022 at 9:12

Thanks for sharing those memories, John. I've taken the liberty of adding them to a piece I did on the history of the laundry site a few years back. Please feel free to correct me or add more detail if you can. 

PS: Love the "Scruffy Ada" nickname. Was that a nickname used by kids only, or did adults use it too?

Comment by John Shulver on November 26, 2022 at 14:32

Hugh........not at all, anytime, a pleasure to participate.                                                                              First off then I must say how much I love that covering photo of "Looking north toward Hawes & Curtis site c1920"..The way the group front right look so well turned out, quite elegant. The smart terrace of houses, front gardens and railings. Lovely.                                                                                             So, the last building centre right, corner of Colina Road, with the old chap and young lad passing by, that used to be P.S.A. government office (Property Services Agency ?)   And on zooming in, to right of tram is your "wee garden gate" flanked by lighted pillars to main entrance.  Sometime later round about this area stood a lovely old Dr. Who style Police Box.   And notice the motorcycle/sidecar unit immediately behind that tram.                                                                                                                 Interesting to read your mention "death of a Doctor 1929".  A family GP Dr. M. Cathcart Irwin lived just on from the Langham Club buildings, he certified my maternal grandmothers death in Oct 1950. Wonder if the 2 doctors had been in partnership at all ?   My Mum pointed out scorch marks on an end house wall resulting from doodle bug fragments (or unexploded d/b?).   I had a friend live another door or two up, maybe 55-60 era, Alan Christian (or similar spelling).   His uncle had a big old yard behind his house somewhere within walking distance with an old lorry cab in it, much fun had there.                I'm pretty sure the Oakwood building was still there when I left area in 1970 ?                                         A tiny point Hugh........your entry for Principal Laundries, you note Wise's address as Colina ROAD, should read Colina MEWS.                                                                                                                        "Scruffy Ada".  My older Brother and his generation knew her as "Shaggy Ada" !!  Probably no need to enlarge on that ?   She did appear, even from my time, to have several short term "lodgers". Our mum's  wanted us to stay away from her house but of course we didn't.   It was rather unkempt and had a strange odour about the place.  However it was an open house to all us kids........and seemingly others. She had a son who wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, always scruffy and horribly snotty nosed.  Mind you a lot of kids those days seemed to have 'orrible snotty noses....to be contd.

Comment by John Shulver on November 26, 2022 at 14:53

I ran out of space Hugh.   All I was going to add was a memory of a couple of Ada's lodgers, 2 young Scots lads, foreigners they were, spoke funny.  They were from Paisley, probably only around 16 years of age, come down to London for some reason or other.  One was about as clean as Ada's house, teddy boy look, dirtiest teeth I think I've ever known and a bit 'war' scarred.  He looked hard and introduced me to a 'Glasgow Kiss' !  I was only around six I suppose at that time.  His mate was a much quieter, cleaner and friendlier looking bloke.  Both had strong Glaswegian accents  which took a lot of understanding.  But they took to us kids, used to share sweets (and fags if you wanted).  Joined in with football down The Lucky and play fights. Probably stayed around for 3 months ?  I often wonder what became of them.  And how they afforded the rent ???         Sorry if I've prattled on Hugh but I do enjoy your site.

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