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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Remember John Cathles Hill; he who built up the Gardens area, Grand Parade and the Salisbury?

In addition to his building and brick making businesses, Cathles Hill was also in business with his cousin, William Cathles. One of the ventures they co-owned was an off-licence at 348 High Road, Wood Green, pictured above.

A picture of William Cathles has been added in the comments below.

Views: 456

Comment by Hugh on November 30, 2008 at 12:45
It looks like the Sixties or even Seventies and yes it does say Truro. What does that mean?
Comment by Liz on November 30, 2008 at 15:09
Bet one of the car experts on here can date it from the car reflected in the window on the right.
Comment by Old-Age-Emporium(OAE) on November 30, 2008 at 16:22
Yes, definitely Sixties from the unabashed 'DRUGS' sign on the first-floor window two doors up. Ignore the Kodak ad below - that's only a blind.
Comment by StephenBln on December 5, 2008 at 21:22
All you Lamppost nerds out there!!

Notice the typical Borough of Wood Green residential street standard in the photo. Similar to the Tottenham TBC standards, but always situated on the edge of the pavement. The Wood Green versions were manufacted in a light red/pink coloured concrete as opposed to the usual 'grey' Tottenham versions, which tended to be positioned further back on the pavement against buildings or garden walls.

On the other hand, Hornsey the other Haringey constituent borough, was much more traditional and re-used the older gas standards which were converted for electric use.

I would guess that the car, a R e n a u t D a u p h i n dates the photo to around 1958 - 1964. These cars were also used as London's first Minicabs. I haven't been able to find a photo of these r e d v e h i c l e s, which covered with advertising, caused quite a stir in a staid London of the early 1960s. I can remember seeing them out and about in Harringay and North London.
Comment by StephenBln on December 5, 2008 at 21:54
Regarding the name of the 'Off Licence'... It wasn't unusual for them to have names.. Perhaps there is a Truro connection in the area.. Truro Road isn't that far away either...

I also can remember another example in Tottenham, where an Off Licence at the corner of Southey Road and Elizabeth Road was called 'The William the Conqueror' (Most streets in that area had historical names connected to royalty or politics)... Elizabeth Road, St Georges Road, Kent Road, Victoria Crescent, Russell Road, Southey Road... etc... etc...
Comment by John Hough on March 31, 2017 at 12:16

Truro Wine Stores, off licence on the corner of Lyndhurst Road and Green Lanes, just in Bowes Park/Wood Green boundary with Palmers Green.

Turo wine stores was interesting, it had on its walls a large collection of knives & Guns, all removed by the police when the firearm laws were consolidated and amended in 1968 with the enactment of the Firearms Act, which is the legislation still used today. Its roughly opposite to where Crescent Radio relocated having originally been in Mayes Road Wood Green, they moved to Green Lanes when the Wood Green Mayes Road & Shopping Center development started.
Comment by John Hough on March 31, 2017 at 12:26

I don't think the car is a Renault, my preference would be a Ford Prefect 100E built 1953–1959 or Poplar built 1959 -1961.

Comment by Hugh on January 20, 2018 at 12:55

Here's an image I've found of William Cathles and his wife. As a young man William Anderson Cathles worked in Manchester, building rolling stock for the railways. He teamed up with John Cathles Hill.

Comment by Dorothy Rynhold on April 3, 2019 at 9:30

Yes, that is the Off Licence Called originally Truro Wine Stores.    I was led to believe it was built on the corner of the Truro Estate.     It was licenced at the start of the 1900's.     The above picture is of my Grandfather (William) and Grandmother and my father'syoungest sister Margaret.    They lived in another Cathles building in Archway Road, Highgate.   The picture of the Of flicence would have been late 50/early 60.     I even recognise the lady   The shop next door but one was a Chemist.

Comment by Hugh on April 3, 2019 at 9:50

Right by this building was the land Hill was developing as the Bowes Manor. I know he had the land to the west of the main road and developed Lascotts Road and the land to the north. I don't l know if he had the land to the east, but, given the Cathles building there, one might assume that he did.

As to Archway Road, Hill had a couple of buildings there, 7 and 11, I think. Was it one of those?

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