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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Thanks to Stephen Hartley for sourcing the originals of this photo.

Views: 220

Comment by StephenBln on March 17, 2013 at 12:33

Hugh, this is actually 1961

Comment by Hugh on March 17, 2013 at 12:39

Thanks - I trust that's using the Warwick Road "by bus verification" method? Title changed.

Comment by StephenBln on June 10, 2016 at 20:27

No actually the street lighting gives the game away.. The concrete standards were erected in early 1961, just before the first trolleybus route (629) was withdrawn on 26/04.1961. The remaining three trolleybus routes (521 621 & 641) were withdrawn on 07/11.1961 and the traction poles were removed soon after. The previous street lighting had been attached to the traction poles.

BTW why does it say this photo was posted by Admin? I posted this photo originally.

Comment by Hugh on June 10, 2016 at 20:30

There was a glitch with your photos if you remember Stephen, but you are credited under the photo.

Comment by John Shulver on December 20, 2021 at 17:51

Ah, memories at 12years old !

Comment by Andrew Wilson on September 9, 2022 at 8:11

Hi, John Shulver, I remember your sister Joyce, my name is Andrew Wilson, now living in Australia for the past 60yrs. We lived at 6a grand parade, happy memories

Comment by John Shulver on November 22, 2022 at 16:04

Well blow me down Andrew !!  I'm not sure if I ever knew you but Joyce worked at Rosen's Ladies clothes shop beneath The Salon Bal.  So how did you know of my Sister then ?  And I suppose you didn't know that she followed in your footsteps..... ?  She flew out Boxing Day, 1966 to join our Brother Brian in Adelaide. He sailed out in June 62 with his mate from Glenwood Road, much the same time as you then !     We lived in Harringay Road if you didn't know.  Where is/was 6a Grand Parade ?  So what inspired you to go out and where have you lived ?   I visited them both in 92/93, the first time I'd seen Joyce since her departure.  She eventually managed a trip home in 2001 but sadly died in Oz June '07. 

And Brian sadly died out there Sept last year.  He visited home about 6 times.  I've been out 3 times, really enjoyed it.  I've only just seen this post.  But it's great to hear from you, take care mate.                 And this is a great site eh ?   Memories of home ???

Comment by Andrew Wilson on November 28, 2022 at 5:01

Hi John, great to hear from you, I remember the name Shulver and instantly thought of Joyce, I think we must have gone to Woodlands park infants. I remember the salon bal, up a long stair case and then all those snooker tables, my brother ( Chris ) and I were threatened never to set foot up there. I don’t remember Rosens but it must have near   Desmond’s sweet shop. So I went to Woodlands Park Junior,I reckon 1949 to 1955. Our headmaster was Mr.Podd, and my main teacher was Mr Hobson and Mr Rowe was the sports master. I went to Stationers Company Grammar School and completed 2years before we moved to Benfleet near Southend. 6a Grand Parade was just 6 doors up green lanes from The Salisbury Hotel, we lived on the first floor above Dewhurst the butchers, next door when we first moved there was a fishmongers that eventually became a green grocers. There was a Tescos next door, Charlie Brandon the tobacconist was next to the pub, so we had everything on our doorstep. Our neighbours were the Constables, the Devlins and the Goldfields, and above us were the Buckley family. My brother Chris went to Australia in 1961 told me that it was the land of milk and honey and that the streets were lined with gold and jobs  were plentiful, well all that has turned out to be correct. I have been back a few times but now I don’t have any family living over there, my brother passed away 6 years ago. We live in Sydney on the Northern beaches, I have two children, Tony and Sonya, and two (twins)Sophia and Marcus, who have just turned 6. I would be delighted if you responded to this via email. Mine. andrewpwilson7a@gmail.com. Regards Andrew Wilson

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