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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

John James (lived number 71) and Tony Rowsell (number 51) posing in the street opposite number 51.

Views: 456

Tags (All lower case. Use " " for multiple word tags): 1952, ladder rung roads - historic, warham road
Albums: Historical Images of Harringay After 1918 | 1 of 3 ( F)
Location: Warham Road

Comment by Philip Keylock on August 30, 2024 at 17:44

I lived at No 74 (right next to alleyway) in 1956 until 1964. Happy days. 

Comment by andrew simmonds on September 2, 2024 at 6:58

How quickly things can change. By the mid 60's both sides of the roads there was a line of cars with rarely a gap. Not surprising really, for instance our next door neighbours ( Beresford Rd. ) had 5 cars and my Dad had a constant battle to find somewhere to park.

Comment by Harry Carson on September 6, 2024 at 9:20

Purely conjecture... John on the left is exactly as I'd expect him to look.... sleeveless jumper, collar upturned, hair slightly ruffled. Whereas the Tony has a rather attractive patterned shirt, pleated trousers/shorts and a watch...a new watch? And the photo is taken with a best friend?

A birthday? 

Regardless...a wonderful and evocative image. Thank you.

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