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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

From the Horse of the Year Show Programme, 1956

Views: 121

Albums: Harringay Posters and Programmes (Historical)

Comment by StephenBln on April 2, 2008 at 10:53
Two things interest me on this on flyer: Harringay Stadium, in common with all of South Tottenham, had a STAmford Hill telephone number. This was the code for telephone used on all London telephone numbers until Standard Trunk Dialling or (STD) was introduced in 1966. The STA telephone exchange in Seven Sisters Road began to run out of numbers around 1962 and another code (LATimer) was introduced.
Those on the Hornsey side of Harringay tended to have MOUntview telephone numbers. In 1966 all figure telephone numbers were introduced and STA became 01-800, LAT 01-802 and MOU became 01-348. The code for Wood Green, BOWes Park became 01-888 at the same time.

Lastly, I also noticed that the Chairman of Harringay Arena was a certain Francis S. Gentle. Most "Gentle's" (98%) can trace their roots back to Agricultural workers living in the Bigglewade/Hitchin, Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire border area. Many moved down the Railway line in the period 1850 to 1880 looking for work and ended up living in the Finsbury Park, Harringay and Islington areas. I also have Gentle ancestors and I'm going to have to take a look to see if perhaps I'm related to this Francis ! :o)
Comment by StephenBln on April 2, 2008 at 10:58
Oh I forgot, just to keep things fair. At the same time TOTtenham, the old code for North Tottenham was given the new coding 01-808.
Comment by Hugh on April 2, 2008 at 11:08
You old mine of local history info, you.

Frank Gentle was the son of one of the founders of the Greyhound Racing Association, A retired Chief Constable, William Gentle (See the article I wrote on the GRA on Wikipedia and William Gentle on Wikipedia).

What a sad old pair of localhistreegits we are, eh.
Comment by StephenBln on April 2, 2008 at 11:15
Yep, that we are.. as well as being dreadfool spellars :o)
Comment by StephenBln on April 2, 2008 at 11:35
I read the wiki article on Gentle and the GRA and it brings up more questions for me than answers. My Gentle connection is through my maternal Grandmother and a maternal Uncle of mine was the judge for the GRA at the Harringay Dog races from the late 1950s until it closed down. Perhaps there is a family connection..? (Although not yet confirmed) Well I'll be blowed.. thank you Harringay Online :o)

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