Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Some Quick Tips for Using Harringay Online

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1. Forum

  • The forum is the place for discussions about any topic. The main site page features the most recent discussions. To see all discussions, rollover the forum tab to go to the forum page.
  • To read a discussion thread, just click on the title of a particular discussion. To comment on it, type your comment in the "reply to this box" and save.
  • To start a new discussion, click on the start discussion link at the bottom left of the forum box on the main page or at top right of the main forum page.
  • When you create a discussion ti help all members, please select a discussion category, using the drop down box within the "About your discussion" panel which you'll see on the top right of the green area when you start a discussion.
  • It helps everyone if you add some tags beneath the edit box. These tags help other members find posts. All tags should be added using lower case only. If you chose a number of tags, they should be separated by commas. To add tags consisting of more than one word, like green lanes, enclose the tag in inverted commas. So a tag for Green Lanes should be added as:

    "green lanes"

    and not

    green lanes

    If this is not done the tag will separate into two tags of one word each.


2. Communication Between Members

Leaving Comments for other Members

If you want to leave comments for other site members,remember to leave them on the other member's page, not your own. If you're replying to a comment on your own page, simply click on "comment back". If you leave a comment from someone on your ownpage they won't get an email alert telling them you've left them amessage. All comments on members' pages are public.

Messaging between Members

Each member has their own site mailbox. You can access this via the small envelope at the top left of the page. In your mailbox, you'll see you have an inbox, sent box and a place for saved messages. Site admin can message all members. Messaging between other members is only enabled when a connection invitation has been made and accepted between two members. All messages are private and are not visible to either site admin or other members. Keep an eye on the little person icon at that left of the main page. If NEW is displayed next to it that means you have a connection request.

Last Updated: April 12th, 2015


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