John Shulver


United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • Julia Valentine

    Ah that's nice! No relation as far as I know but worth asking, would have been exciting to discover! 

  • Sarah Saey

    Hi John, I'm afriad I don't have a relative by that name. My family have only been in the area since the late 70s and we don't have any relatives in the area. 

  • Penny

    I'm afraid I did not marry a Dennis!

  • Jhill

    No, we didn't. Sorry, John. Good luck in your search though.

  • Steve Wright

    Not me I’m afraid. But was at East Barnet in the 70s :-)

  • Brian Shulver

    Hi John... Yes still on the site

  • J morris

    Afraid not.

  • Peter Brooks

    Hi John

    No sorry, no relation. 

  • Ernest Payne

    Hi John ,I went to the tech school at Ponders End.

    It was some journey from Alexandra Park, first a bus to Wood Green high street for a trolley bus to Enfield then a 107 bus taken near to Enfield Cables and another step to the College. i gained some awards there for my boat and aeroplane models.

    Mr Bygraves was our tutor, Mr Edwards ( woodwork ) nearly killed me with a cricket ball ( he missed).

  • Penny Astley

    I'm just getting the hang of this, so bear with me.  My address probably looks weird but that's because I now live on Vancouver Island, hence the postal code and weird house number. (Who has an address in the two thousands?!) I had a lot of friends on the street because many, many of us were born in 1946. I consider myself very lucky now, looking back and have managed to keep in touch with some of them thanks to the internet.

  • Penny Astley

    Thanks for the info John.  Were the brother and sister home schooled?  I remember a family on that side of the road (I lived above the alleyways at number 49) and my mother couldn't get over the fact that they didn't go to North Harringay school.  Personally I hated school and envied them greatly.

  • Penny Astley

    Thanks for letting me know.  Unfortunately I didn't know either of those people but the boys I did know from North Harringay were Errol Seryck and Robin Paris.  Any good?

  • Penny Astley

    Forgot to give you my single which was Underwood.  I lived at number 49.

  • Hazel

    Sorry John, I am none of those three :)

  • Tom

    Sorry no

  • Rosamund Tomlins

    No, John, sorry - I neither did nor do.

  • Deborah Phillips

    John i am not related to them at all . We just share the same Surname

  • Deborah Phillips

    Your welcome John

  • David Mosse

    John, no that’s a different David/Dave Mosse.

  • Philip Haynes

    Afraid not, I only moved to the area a couple of years ago. 

  • David Todd

    Reply to John Shulver, re your question by Colin Servants "were my parents from Hull"...well, blow me down! My grandmother was from Hull one of eight children her maiden name was Rose Florence Miller and in 1900 she married  James Todd at St Andrews Church in Drypool, Hull, and at some point years later moved to London, I do not know where however you may hold the key, would love to know more on Colin Servantes find. Thankyou.

  • Sam Hodges

    Hey John. Afraid not. My Hodges clan were all Plymouth and Bristol folk - I’m the first in London for a while! 

    Good luck!


  • Hugh

  • Hugh

    Just trying to be helpful, John. Your comment to Jack was tickety-boo. 

  • Victoria worsley

    Ah no john, sorry! More worsleys around than you imagine.

  • Victoria worsley

    Very true, John! Thanks!

  • Donna Fitzgerald

    Hi John,  Many thanks.  Your description of the 'great gates' is the first memory we will hear in the live show audio.  Of course, I can get someone to record your online entry but I wonder if you might consider us meeting and I can record the memory directly with a zoom recorder?  I will be in London at some point this month...  You can find out more about me/the project via the project website www.viviennesometimes        

    Best regards, Donna.

  • Alex O'Brien

    Hi John, I don’t believe Michael is a relative I’m afraid. A lot of us O’Brien’s about. No bother at all though. Best wishes, Alex

  • Paul lucas

    Not as far as I know

    we are related to sarah lucas the artist

    origin of grandfather was spittalfields grandmother hackney

  • Paul lucas

    Do not why not received I am new at this do not think I am related to Robert family names are Donald George Charlie grandfather alfred lucas some association with the twilley family