Penny Astley

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  • John Shulver

    Oh ok Penny..........all a stab in the dark really but you never know unless you ask.  

    Harringay Road is midway between Turnpike Lane and Manor House.

    If you can recall The Salisbury pub and Coliseum Cinema junction with St Anns Road ?   Harringay Road is immediately at rear of Coliseum off St Anns Road.

    So turn right at bottom of Fairfax past Effingham, Beresford, Alison and Hewitt Roads and you're just about there.

    I had friends living bottom end of Fairfax by name of Phillips, a brother and sister.  House was on left from Green Lanes end.

  • John Shulver

    Hello hold of a few more details now.

    My mate and his sister lived at No. 144.  They were not home schooled, both attended South Harringay Juniors.  He went on to North Harr Seniors, while she went further afield to Downhills Central in West Green Road.  My mate born 1948, sister 1950.  He asked if you knew of a Colin Servante (of Warham Rd near The Salisbury) or a Bernard Kanapka, both Nth Harr Seniors ?

    He enquired after your surname.........maiden ?

    This may well end up as a pointless wild goose chase but you never know.

    Take care........

  • John Shulver

    Hello Penny,    not a lot of useful info to report sadly.  Getting sensible information out of my mate Colin is like getting blood out of a stone.

    However he is waiting for another school friend to get back with any info.

    He queried if the Robin Paris you mentioned was Robin PERRY ?

    My mate Colin lived at 144 Fairfax around 61 - 67, though his parents and sister remained there for some years after. 

    All this conversation is result of me asking if you married Dennis.  And that was because my older Brother had a mate called Dennis in Harringay Road who courted and married a Penny who lived in the flats opposite the Queens Head near Ducketts Common.    My Brother left Harringay Road in 62, emigrating to Australia aged 20.  He's now coming up for 79 !!   How long and why did you go to Canada ? If that's not too personal a question.

    Oh another thought Penny........did you know of a Gary Thompon, Jamaican lad, at Harringay Seniors ?   He was a close friend and neighbour of mine in Harringay Road.