Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi. I'm a volunteer for London's Screen Archives, which is a network of various local borough archives and a few others. I've been cataloguing a film about Wood Green from the Haringey Archives for them, trying to work out where all the places are, dates, people etc. I've done as much as I can without expert advice from local residents & history buffs (i.e you), and perhaps a trip to the Archive at Bruce Castle after that. It's mainly archive photos and pictures, with live footage from the 1960s at the end.The soundtrack's been lost, so it can be a bit difficult to follow what it's all about. I've tried to make up for that in the description & the further information section. Any additional information or memories would be very welcome. I'm also going to post a few stills/questions on here to see if I can fill in a few blanks in my knowledge. The Changing Years

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So - can anyone tell me where these WW2 bomb damage photos were taken?




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