Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A nice little gem following Stephen's tip of the Hansard records:

This extract from Hansard suggests that the Arena was used as a billet for the Army during the war. Not surprising but I didn't know that.

Harringay Arena (Repairs)

HC Deb 12 June 1945 vol 411 cc1448-9
25. Mr. Messer

asked the Secretary of State for War why it is necessary to repair the Harringay arena, in view of the fact that it has been capable of use by the military since it was damaged by enemy action a year ago, and can still be used for the temporary period for which it will be required.

Sir J. Griģģ

It has not been possible to use the damaged part of the building and the stores have had to be cleared out but as the space is needed the damage is being made good.

Mr. Messer

Is it not a fact that the stores which have been removed have been adequately warehoused and that, as soldiers have been billeted, there really is not the need for repair that there is for repair of the houses in the neighbourhood?

Sir J. Griģģ

If soldiers have been billeted, presumably they are taking up space which would otherwise be available for accommodation. What I am assured is that it is an economical matter, both as regards the custody of the stores and as regards accommodation generally, that this building should be repaired. Any idea that it is being repaired in order to provide facilities for dog racing, or whatever it is, is not justified.

Mr. Messer

As the right hon. Gentleman should know, as he is responsible for the part of the Army that is there, the arena is not used for dog racing. Is he aware that in the locality, which has been badly damaged by blitz, there is very high feeling because they believe that shortly it will be released from the Army and will be used for a sports arena?

Sir J. Griģģ

I think the inhabitants of the district, if they have that feeling, might carry out the injunction not to fall before they are pushed.

Mr. Messer

They have fallen.

Sir J. Griģģ

They have not fallen at all. The stadium is not being used for a sports arena, and a sports arena occupies quite a low place in the priority for the release of de-requisitioned premises.

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