Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Charlotte Riddell (September 30, 1832 - September 24, 1906) was a one of the most popular and influential writers of the Victorian period. The author of 56 books, novels and short stories, she was also part owner and editor of the St. James's Magazine, one of the most prestigious literary magazines of the 1860s.

Her writing may not have been on a par with Dickens, but she was a big hitter in her day.

During the 1860s/70s she lived in St John's Lodge on the site of St Ann's Hosptal - opposite Blackboy Lane - admittedly Harringay borderlands today, but she used to desribe herself as living on Green Lanes, near Harringay House.

She used to host literary parties at the house inviting a wide range of the most famous literary and other society names of the day.

I've written a short article with links on Wikipedia

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Have just read in the local paper that Charlotte Riddel is to get one of Haringey's Green Plaques in the next year or so. Be worth a photo when its unveiled.



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