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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


Tornado storming over Green Lanes in Bright sunshine on a busy Saturday. A great sight!

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That is one superb picture, Chris! Goodonya.

Who are these guys who think they can pollute our barrio with impunity and outdated technology?

Excellent photo, shows the beauty of the Steam Engine, amazing that this is a sparkling new creation, not a preserved ex BR antiquity.

As for you, 'OAE' what a misery-guts. That white stuff coming out of the chimney is H2O, superheated WATER, steam to the rest of us.  The cars on the street will be chucking out more CO2, CO, NOX etc than the chuffer.

So good stuff!

If you are concerned about emissions, OAE, have you wriiten to Boris, Lynnne Featerstone or David Lammy to get the 8 diesel trains replaced by electric ones. Pls dont just moan ACT.

If the stuff coming out of the stack is only water, what's the coal doing in the tender ? And why were the stations covered in soot ?

That said, these locomotives don't run that often and yes, the cars etc will be producing more .... etc.

But OAEs comment was made in jest

Thanks John. Now who are these po-faced, literacy-challenged, imagination-free, humour-excised-at-conception, vaporising chuffer twitchers who venture on here to misread me?  RicP, were I even a little on edge about the white stuff coming out of my chimney or my emissions, diurnal or nocturnal, I'd be off to see my specialist. No sir (for I take it you must be male) I did not invent the internal combustion engine, nor do I champion its use on our streets. It will never catch on unless we live in a daft world. As for replacing diesel trains with electric, I refer you to my neighbour WightmanPaul's post a few days ago: if the "smart" electric car is as polluting and wasteful in its own and its juice's manufacture, I take it we may apply the same argument to electric-replacing- diesel trains. But I must say these ephemeral and merely material problems do not occupy the forefront of my mind. 

Why should I write to any or all of the three persons you mention? But if you manage to get the Tory and Labour names correct, why make such a mess of the LibDem woman's moniker? 

Cracking picture, Chris!

Thanks Stephen, I wanted the sun behind me so a pic with a view of the banner and Green Lanes from the shopping centre looked to be a good place to try a shot. Chris


If it's white, it's steam, grey a mix of steam and exhaust, and black is exhaust only.  But a trained fireman puts the right amount of coal to get maximum combustion and minimal pollution.  Well that was the way I was trained!

Sorry but '... Who are these guys who think they can pollute our barrio with impunity and outdated technology? ..' does not sound tongue in cheek to me, but it is worth noting that the 'chuffer' was the main driver of economic growth in the C19th and important in the C20th was one of the most important factors for the effective movement of goods during two major wars.

This was a celebration of our history, and such activity is much more interesting than stuffed artefacts in a Museum

PS OAE, you are a bit of a sarky so-n-so, aren't you.  But with a pen-name like yours .......

And I do know how to spell Lynne Featherstone, the occasional post in haste may include the odd slip, but I am but a mere mortal, not a superhuman like you ........

Right RicP, there are few of us around.

The white stuff you see in the picture above is indeed steam. But when the coal ( largely carbon ) in the tender is burnt the principal product is carbon dioxide which is invisible.

Since we don't live in South America, the word " barrio " in OAE's post is a hint as to the location of his tongue.

Seriously brilliant photo, I wish I'd been around to see this on the weekend. Nice work!

Thanks Mark! There will be more steam locos coming through though.



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