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i thought i had planted hollyhock seeds, do these look like hollyhocks to you? if not what are they?!

thanks everyone!

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No. This is creeping buttercup!

Yep I agree with Julia. Creeping buttercup. When did you sow your hollyhock seeds it may be a tad early yet for them to germinate. Hollyhock seeds need warmth to germinate so you may not see them until late April or may.

Thanks both. Do I want a creeping butter cup? Or should I pull them up now? The word creeping makes me think "goes mad in your garden"!

Will have a go at plating some hollyhocks again later when it warms up then. The seeds never seem to take in my garden, have tried planting hundreds of them of the years!


Nooooo. You don't want it. It sets little creepery bits out under the soil and spreads everywhere. And it's not very interesting, mostly just leaves. Pull it up and make sure you get the little creepers too. Re-sow some hollyhocks. I find planting older, sturdy seedlings is more successful as the slugs just love the new hollyhock shoots, which may be where yours are disappearing to. Good luck!

ah thank you for the tip! will pull it up today! yes I suspect the slugs are eating my hollyhock seedlings. we have tons of slugs, despite having tons of frogs and toads in the garden too! very frustrating! thanks again

It really does depend on what kind of garden you have or want.  If you're after a garden geared mainly towards wildlife and attracting pollinators, then I see no harm in Creeping Buttercup.



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