Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

** Edited - this event is now on Sunday June 7th. For more details see the event page here**

In 2012 we had Harringay’s first ever open gardens event, then repeated in 2013. This post is to see if there is interest in doing it again.

I've had a chat with a few people who were involved in the first two, and thought it would be good this time to focus it on how people deal with the classic problems faced in city gardens like ours - things like damp shade, dry shade, areas that are too hot, skinny gardens (like the side return areas you get in many of the ladder gardens), front gardens, gardens in pots, roof gardens, communal gardens, growing vegetables in a shady area etc etc.

Please don't feel that you can't join in just because you aren't an experienced gardener or have a 'perfect' garden. There are some amazing gardens around here, and it's really inspiring to look at what people have done. But if you are wondering what on earth to do with your own garden why not include that in the open day and get some ideas from fellow gardeners? 

If you’re interested in reading more about how it's worked in the past, have a look at this post here about the 2013 event, and these photos from 2012.

The way it will work will depend on how many people would like to open their gardens. If we get a good number I'd suggest something along the following lines:

  • Anyone interested in opening their garden let me know what dates would work for them – ideally we'd be looking at June.
  • I compile a list of participating gardens and gave those that are nearby each other a time slot (this means that people don't have to commit to being in for more than a few hours). 
  • Everyone writes a brief description of their garden, highlighting the kinds of problems they've had to tackle. I then post the full list online with lots of notice (not with addresses) so that people can think about what they'd like to visit. 
  • Anyone who wants to visit the gardens would sign up with me and I would only then let them have a list of participating addresses and time slots.  

Last time not all the gardens were in Harringay and that would be fine again this year (assuming they are local to Harringay) - but those that weren't tended to get slightly fewer visitors because of the extra distance.

Over you to you – let me know if you’re keen, either to visit or to open your garden, and which weekends in June would suit you best!

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Hi Alison
I'd love to open my garden again an talk about problems. I've filled in the Doodle calendar. I can in fact make the weekend I said I couldn't but it's a maybe. As you know I'm not on the ladder but across the railway.

Thanks everyone who has filled in the poll. Unfortunately there is no date that everyone can do, but the best date looks like being Sunday 7th June (with apologies to Nemone and Matt who are not free). So if people who are interested in taking part could hold that date it would be great - I will keep the poll open for a bit longer in case others would like to participate too. Would be great to get some new gardens in that haven't taken part before - if anyone wants a chat before committing do please let me know. 

Ok not to worry - next time - have a good one : ) 

So the date for this will be Sunday 7th June. Very sorry to Matt, who couldn't make that date. If you're interested in gardens do keep that date free!

In terms of what happens next, I'll do a provisional running order next week, but if anyone decides they want to join in later that's ok - I won't need to finalise it until the w/c 1st June.

So far the following have said they'll take part:


Nemone (both her own garden and the rather wonderful South Harringay Nursery School garden)






Anyone else do let me know. In the meantime, I'll send a message about next steps to the people named above. I have email addresses for most of you (bar Siobhan) so will use that - but if you have changed your email address since summer 2013 let me know, as that's what I have. 

Thanks Alison. I wonder if it's worth putting a wider call out to all other people on hol, as I think only people on the gardening forum will have seen your post. Just a thought.
Really looking forward to the 7th - thank you for organising it

Thanks Sally. Any posts about this do appear on the main forum so I don't think necessary to put out a wider call - but will create an 'event' for it asap and that may bring a few more people in. 

Hi Alison

I'm a bit late for this year but interested in the next one.

Maybe have a 'part two' later in June for those that can't make the 7th?... but appreciate that is more organising.



Thanks Jez  - I'm really sorry you can't make those dates, it would have been great to have included your wonderful garden. And thanks ever so much for the potatoes, which have just started to emerge.

I don't think I'm up for organising a part 2 this year but if anyone else would like to then be my guest!

How exciting, I have just found this site and would love to visit local gardens. How do I get on your list?
Great! If you click on the banner at the top of the this page it should take you to a page with details of the event - all you need to do then is click on the rsvp button and I will send you details.

Hello Alison,

Wow, what a great idea! I've only just joined Harringay Online and am already finding out about great events I didn't know of! 

I hope I can join you another year but in the meantime I thought you might like to know that a friend and I are opening our gardens in Handsworth Road N17 for the National Garden Scheme on the following Sunday (14th June, from 2-6pm) with homemade teas and a plant stall. We are fundraising for the NGS charities including cancer and nursing charities; the entrance charge is£3.50. This link gives some more details:  http://www.ngs.org.uk/gardens/find-a-garden/Garden.aspx?id=30823 

I'm a newbie here so I hope this is the right place to post about this! We opened for the first time last year and were proud to be the first Tottenham gardens in the scheme. 

Best wishes


Hello Hazel, thanks for posting - I'll really try and make it to your open event, the gardens look amazing from the pictures. Do come along to some of our gardens if you can spare the time. 



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